Jackie Jacobson


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 21)

Good morning, colleagues. Today is International Women’s Day and I’d like to take this opportunity to recognize and celebrate the women who are accomplishing so much and all the work that’s done in our home communities that makes a difference in our great territory of the Northwest Territories.


Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 18)

Good afternoon, colleagues. Before we proceed with the orders of the day, I wish to make a ruling on the series of written questions submitted by the Member for Inuvik Boot Lake, Mr. Moses, on Monday, March 4, 2013.

Mr. Moses and all honourable Members need to be reminded of and respect your rules governing written questions. Written questions may only contain one initial question and four supplementary questions. Members may not circumvent this rule by simply renumbering their questions into smaller subsections. This is contrary to the spirit and intent of your rules.

I must rule Mr. Moses’...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

Good afternoon, colleagues. Today I would like to honour the memory of our elder Mrs. Elizabeth Blake from Tetlit Zheh, who was an example for our communities. She was a beautiful mother and a loving jijuu.

Elizabeth Blake was born on November 5, 1914, in Caribou River, Yukon Territory. She grew up living off the land, working hard to make a living. Married to Fred Blake, they had 14 children, 60 grandchildren, 89 great-grandchildren and 19 great-great-grandchildren.

Raising a large family out on the land was hard work. Elizabeth Blake enjoyed trapping, snaring rabbits and tanning moose hides...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 16)

Good afternoon, colleagues. Before we proceed today I’d like to provide my ruling on the point of order raised on Monday, February 25, 2013, by the Member for Yellowknife Centre, Mr. Hawkins.

Mr. Hawkins rose on a point of order further to reviewing the transcripts of a question and answer exchange between himself and the Premier, the Honourable Bob McLeod, on Friday, February 22, 2013.

Mr. Hawkins’ point is that the Premier, in responding to Mr. Hawkins’ questions, breached Rule 2(g) of the Rules of the Legislative Assembly by referring to confidential standing committee discussions on an...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 15)

Good afternoon, colleagues. Members, I would like to thank the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, the Honourable Jackson Lafferty, for providing us with pink carnations, marking our support to end bullying in schools and the workplace, on the Internet and, indeed, in every walk of life. I want to thank Members for wearing these pink carnations today as a symbol of our commitment to do our part to do away with bullying.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 11)

Good afternoon, colleagues. Before we get started, I’d like to recognize Mr. Peter Taptuna, Deputy Premier, Minister of Economic Development, Transportation, Tourism, Housing, Nunavut Business Credit Corporation, Nunavut Development Corporation and Minister of Energy. Welcome, Mr. Taptuna.


Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 10)

Good afternoon, colleagues. Today I’d like to honour the memory of a woman who achieved some remarkable goals, while grounding her traditions through her family. She left them with lessons of strength, culture, tradition, work ethic and “to thine own self be true.”

Nagooyoak Mabel Pokiak Lumsden was born on Banks Island, the westernmost point of the Arctic Archipelago. In her early years, she spent time between her family’s summer camp in Tuktoyaktuk and their winter camp in Sachs Harbour. When she was five, she was taken to the residential school in Aklavik.

She remained there until she went to...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 8)

Can I have the report of Committee of the Whole, please, Ms. Bisaro.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 7)

Good afternoon, colleagues.

Members, before we begin today – in addition to wishing you all a happy Valentine’s Day…

…I am going to beat Norman to the punch this year. I would like to send a special Valentine’s Day wish to my wife, Jenny, mother of my children, my best friend, my life partner. Thank you for your love and care, your patience – she’s got a lot of patience with me doing my job – and also for being an amazing mother to our children. I am only able to do the work because I have my wife’s support, Mr. Speaker. I know she cares. Happy Valentine’s Day to my wife, Jenny....

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 2)

Before we get started, I would like to take this opportunity to recognize one of the greatest pilots from the North, Robert Murray Heath, and to extend my condolences on behalf of the House and the Northwest Territories to his wife and family.

Bob Heath did what many only yearn for; he followed his dream to be a pilot, adventurer, husband, father and best friend to all he met. His flying career brought him many adventures to all parts of our world, many with his work family at Kenn Borek and Aklak Air in Inuvik. Everyone in the Beaufort-Delta and all my constituents can say they flew with him...