Jackson Lafferty


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

Mahsi, Mr. Chairman. I’m trying to find that information here. The information we have, of course, is based on projection and the enrolment, if it goes down, reflects on the actual budget. Unless my director has more detailed information that he can follow up on.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

The overall plan not only of the Mine Training Society but within my department, the Labour Market Development Agreement both from the federal government, we want to reach out to all communities as best as we can. Through the Mine Training Society, the Hay River Reserve and also Fort Providence, and also Kakisa and the surrounding communities, that we can definitely approach and work with the leadership and work with the educators in the communities, as well, also industries. Industries are all partners in this venue.

I will invite the Member to have a more detailed discussion on this...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

Mahsi, Mr. Chair. When it was brought up in the House, I did look at the criteria as well. The heritage is laid out as part of the criteria within the policies that we have that we follow. It captures the heritage as part of the program that we currently have. If there’s going to be some name changes, then that would be something that I may have to re-evaluate and talk to certain groups and whatnot. I did take that into consideration when Ms. Bisaro did raise it in the House and I’m currently working with various organizations as part of the process. Mahsi.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

Mahsi, Mr. Chair. Through the SEMA agreement, Socio-Economic Monitoring Agreement, there are certain targets in place and with the three diamond mines there are some negotiations that are underway with the potential industries that are coming on board. We have been behind a bit on the target itself. So through time we’ve developed an MOU to work with the three diamond mines. I can refer to the three diamond mines because we’ve been working actively with them and in 2008 we signed on. We’ve made some progress in that area where there’s been some training programs. The Mine Training Society that...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

Mahsi. That information that Mr. Devitt referred to was a needs assessment. Those are some of the areas that are part of the process when we talk about the capital planning process. If I may, again, Mr. Devitt can elaborate on the process itself. Mahsi.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

Mahsi. We’re very excited about this fibre optic link that’s before us, and we’re hoping that 2014-2015, well, 2014 I guess, the deliverance of the optic. When we met with the Beaufort-Delta on the e-learning, there’s excitement in the air. We’re delivering programs that are not being delivered in small communities as opposed to larger centres. Not only that, but at the same time delivering language apps into the schools and language programming where we have an elder on another screen who can work closely with the students.

There’s so many ways that we can take advantage of the e-learning, the...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

Mahsi, Mr. Chair. It gets tabled, I believe, this coming Thursday in this House. So Members will have the opportunity.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Part of the process is, of course, through various training initiatives within the Mine Training Society. They have reached out to certain communities and I believe they will be going to the Deh Cho riding, as well, and Prairie Creek, possibly around the Fort Simpson area and surrounding communities. They have done so with the diamond mines and surrounding communities. I believe that is the normal process where they will be visiting and meeting with the community of Fort Simpson, the largest community, then expanding out to regional communities to deliver those training...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

I’m not sure if we have that detailed information here but we are working with those two establishments, because part of the commitment that was made was to have qualified people within the framework. At this point, I don’t think we have that detailed information but I can provide that to the Member, where the status is at, if they hired those qualified people. We can provide that information. Mahsi.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

Mr. Chair, I’m trying to get the detailed information from my staff, but I don’t have it here with me. I can provide that to the Members.

Over the years, we have contributed. We are true partners along with ITI and other departments towards this Mine Training Society. We will provide the breakdown to Members. Mahsi.