Jackson Lafferty


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

We can provide that. We have a lot of information. We have done our research, our homework, even across the Northwest Territories, how much the individuals are making. It does vary from region to region and the most isolated communities versus the larger centres, so we can provide it as an information package to the Members for their review.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

Mr. Chair, I already spoke to the reporting mechanism, the college Board of Governors. We are talking about the Board of Governors for the college. The reporting mechanism is through the board chair, the board council, on to the president and on to my department. My senior staff would deal with that directly. She is also considered a manager in the position that she’s at. She would deal directly with my deputy or, in absence of the deputy, the assistant deputy minister. Those are the structures that we currently have. Again, reiterating that we are assessing those key areas. We are going...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

Anything to do with arts, we are there. We want to be involved. Through the coordination, if it’s a centre that’s infrastructure, and we have to work closely with Public Works and Services. Other agencies are out there that we provide funding to. Whether it be the arts council, the heritage centre, the cultural projects, cultural organizations, all these different groups we have to engage. Again, it’s part of the capital planning because we are talking about centres. Anything to do with arts programming and so forth, we are willing to work interdepartmental, which we currently are going with...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

I can’t really speak specifics to the recommendations that will be coming down. I believe it will be tabled this week. So we’re just waiting, and I guess we’ll stay tuned until it’s tabled. Then from there the detailed information will come out. In due time, we’ll have to follow through with their recommendations. It is before the office of the Auditor General, so I really can’t speak to it at this point.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

There is an interest to have a facility in Yellowknife. That has been brought up on numerous occasions in this House, and we are working towards that.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

I was just looking at the list and I’m not sure if it’s all 33 communities, but I do have quite a list here. It does capture early childhood, disabilities, district education, friendship centre, daycare society, nursery, library committee, and playschool and so forth. But I need to find out if it does capture all 33 communities, and if not, why not, and those types of questions. But this is all based on proposals that we receive from the communities. That’s what we have to date, the 2011-2012 actual numbers that we’re using, proposals that we receive, so I can provide that information to the...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

I agree with the Member and the students that brought that petition forward. There should be degree programming through business administration into our great campuses across the Northwest Territories. There is also the Social Work degree program that students wish to be delivered in the Northwest Territories. I just signed off a letter, I believe this morning, pertaining to that, that I would obviously like to deliver a Business Administration Degree Program. This has gone to the chair of the college Board of Governors. As soon as I hear and once we meet, then I can provide Members with the...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

Mahsi, Mr. Chair. Through the reporting mechanism, the president works closely with my deputy minister and also assistant deputy ministers pertaining to operations within the college. We provide funding on an annual basis and they provide a report at the end of the year. Then there is also a reporting mechanism within the college through board chairs and myself, as the Minister responsible. At the same time, we are going through a review of the reporting structure and accountability framework between the college and also working closely with my Department of Education, Culture and Employment...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

Mahsi. Sorry about that. I was referring to option two. Number three is early childhood community outreach, $670,000 that’s been budgeted and to date we’ve spent that on various initiatives such as public awareness, elders’ sharing circle, there’s a Healthy Family Program working with the Health and Social Services department. ECD, Early Childhood Development Framework, again, working with Health and Social Services, an engagement plan, the regional committee members travelling to various sites and so forth. Children’s resources for Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, supplies and...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 17)

Mahsi, Mr. Chairman. I feel the frustration of the Member and I do get those requests as well. As you know, we are going through some changes and recommendations being brought forward from the office of the Auditor General. That gives us an opportunity to improve our programs. As you know, these are regulations that we follow. It’s part of the Auditor’s report that we have to be stringent and follow our policies in place. There are some areas that we can be somewhat flexible and I’ve instructed my department, when it comes to professionalism, we need to treat everybody with respect.
