Jackson Lafferty


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

There are, let’s see here, approximately 18 recommendations within that SFA that was brought to my attention. I can share that with the Members as well as the standing committee. This is an area where there is a management response to SFA, the review of the final report. I can share that information. We are focusing on which priority areas we need to start implementing and it will be brought to the standing committee, as well, as an information item as we move forward.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

Mahsi, Mr. Chairman. I agree with the Member that this particular project is badly needed in Inuvik and her concern is also noted. I’ve already alerted her to our next step. It is, again, 90-plus students or children that will be in the facility. We may not own the building, but it is part of the empowerment. It is part of the partnership that we talk about partnership in this House even at the federal level. We don’t even own the dementia that’s in Yellowknife. It goes on and on, but we need to do this for the community of Inuvik.

The policy may not be just for ECE. It could be for overall...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. The SFA was under review and there was a management response to the SFA and the availability to me as the Minister responsible. Upon that, it would be available to the general public based on the recommendations brought forward. We are looking at various areas where we can focus as a priority that we can move forward. So I have to get the specifics of it. I don’t have that detailed information at this point with me right now, but I will get that for the Member on the status. Mahsi.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

When I speak of this policy, of course, I can only speak from my departmental perspective. The early childhood development framework, that has to pertain to that. If Members are alluding to overall GNWT initiatives, that’s an area that we need to discuss further. Involvement of NGOs, their input, of course, will be invaluable towards this policy because it is for their pursuance down the road when they seek funds through the GNWT. We will be working with them, as well, and also the standing committee of the Regular MLAs as we move forward on this particular piece of work.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

…recognized by our department, by our government. We are providing funding for the organization, the school board, to provide that programming. We will continue to do that until eventually there will be a new school there. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

Mahsi, Mr. Chairman. There has been a lot of work in the Yellowknife Prince of Wales Museum. There’s been a tender for kitchen work that has been advertised and a revised schedule for construction to start in November and to be completed by March 2013. As the Member indicated, there is construction happening with the chimney repair starting in mid-September that should be completed by the end of October. There have been little hiccups that have been encountered, but that have been resolved as well.

With respect to the asbestos material, that’s been clearly resolved as well. It has been in the...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

Mr. Speaker, replacing schools in the communities would have to be based on the standards and criteria that we follow, the Government of the Northwest Territories standards that we follow. What we have before us is the classroom size, the 33 students that can be allowed in the schools. Earlier the Member indicated 19. It is a 61, a 60 percent margin right now. If it becomes a major issue where we have 30 students in the classroom, then it is a major crisis, major issue that we need to deal with. At this point the capacity is not at the maximum, so based on that, we have to follow the standards...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

Mahsi, Mr. Chair. As I stated earlier, we did extend that lease agreement this fall for up to three years, and potentially up to five years, depending on the progress that we’re making. We’re working closely with Public Works and Services and also private contractors out there. We’re looking at all options, how we can build this facility and that is the discussions that we’ve been having. So we have extended the lease up to five years. Three years first and then we can extend it for another two years if we need more time. Mahsi.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

Mahsi, Madam Chair. I would just like to say thank you to the Member for his support. This has been a huge undertaking by the community of Inuvik and the town council. So we have worked with them and we will continue to work with other communities as well. Mahsi.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

My understanding was that the department, WSCC has been looking into the assessment backlog and to deal with that matter, find solutions. I have to get the latest update to the Members. I don’t have that information here before me but I will provide that to the Members.