Jackson Lafferty


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 22)

Along with that second question, this is a follow-up. If the Minister can provide that if she doesn't have it with her, along with that consultation with the RCMP. How many charges have the RCMP laid under the Behchoko prohibition order? Masi.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 22)

Masi, Mr. Speaker. The enforcement of Behchoko temporary liquor prohibition, Mr. Speaker, the first question I have is for the Minister of Justice. What measures have the RCMP adopted to meet increased law enforcement challenges of the Behchoko temporary ban on liquor? Masi.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Mahsi, Madam Chair. Once we get the funding, not when, once we get the funding. We will get the funding, I'm hoping. Madam Chair, just maybe one more question. Other expected projects, we talk about asset management and planning design of buildings. There has been discussion and we met with the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment on a Behchoko school. It's been four months now, I think we met, I believe, in January. I'm just wondering if this an opportunity to discuss that, because it is part of asset management. I'm just wondering on the status. If Members or staff don't have any...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Masi, Madam Chair. [Translation] I just, Madam Chair, would like to say about the road, the access road on our land and towards Behchoko, last year, they did some drilling, and they were getting prepared. Last week, the Minister with the grand chief, chiefs, all the chiefs in Tlicho region, meeting with the Premier and the Minister, they did a public tender, and then the Yellowknife local, they left it in Yellowknife to leave it in Yellowknife to do. The tender was out, and it was like it was condemned. It was going to be the favouritism to Yellowknife, but now it's like we see some changes...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Masi, Mr. Speaker. [Translation] Chapter 26 of the Tlicho Agreement strictly lays out the process between the Tlicho government, GNWT, and the federal government on any economic development in the Mowhi Gogha De Niitaee area, in which the Frank Channel Bridge is located. Section 26.3.3(8)(b) activities on Tlicho land will not be public tendered. Is the Minister of GNWT contracting fully aware of such agreement? Can I get a guarantee from this Minister and GNWT as a whole to bring this to the attention of the federal government and make them aware of Tlicho Agreement? [Translation ends]

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Masi, Mr. Speaker. [Translation] Today, I would like to speak in Tlicho, but my interpretation is not coming across clearly, so I am going to do this in English. [Translation ends] [Microphone not turned on] ...at the last Assembly. It's a vital part of North Slave's highway lifeline to the rest of the territory and also the South. It's 50 years old and badly aging. Mr. Speaker, five months ago, I asked the Minister of Infrastructure in this Chamber about the status. The proposal was submitted at that time. Has it been submitted to date with the federal government? If yes, when was it...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Masi, Madam Chair. Obviously, I would just like to have a clear dialogue with the department. Obviously, we've learned from TASR, we've learned from Tlicho All Season Road. This Rae Access Road, if we didn't meet the public tender, would still be out there. Obviously, it would have gotten even worse from my leadership. I'm glad the Premier and Minister met with us to deal with that. It shouldn't come to that, that's what I'm saying. We should have a concrete written agreement with such agreements, similar to what the Member for Kam Lake is alluding to, that there is 80 percent going to...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Masi, Mr. Speaker. [Translation] The question is on Chapter 26 and is it [Translation ends] ...highly encouraged. Also the Minister if she can accept to conduct extensive training or workshop within her Department of Infrastructure to get familiar with the Tlicho constitution. Chapter 26 clearly highlights it in the subsections. One of the subsections, obviously, states out that, within any activities on Tlicho land, there shall not be any public tenders. The federal government is part of that agreement. They should be aware of it, too, but we have the onus on our GNWT departments. Can the...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

I understand that the Tlicho Government is in full support to replace the Frank Channel Bridge and submitted a letter to your attention, Mr. Speaker, to the Minister of Infrastructure. Of course, they requested a sole-source contract or a negotiated contract on the bridge, which is situated in the heart of the Tlicho land. Has that been shared with the federal government as part of the Chapter 26 of the Tlicho Agreement on economic measures, the possibility of either negotiated contract or sole-source contract as part of the Tlicho constitution?

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Masi, Mr. Speaker. [Translation] In my home community, there is a funeral service. We're here now, but we would think of them, and you know there is so much tragedy has been happening in our home community. It's not very, very great. These are things people are going through. All the Drybones family, there is a funeral service in Behchoko right now, and there will be another one tomorrow. That would be a natural family. They are all related. I would like to say to them we are thinking of them. Although we are in a process of this Assembly session, but because we think of one another, thinking...