Jane Groenewegen

Hay River South

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 26)

Thank you, Premier McLeod. General comments. Are there any general comments? Mr. Bromley.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 26)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I don’t want to take up too much time speaking to this motion, but I think it is important to be clear about what this motion is asking for. This motion, if passed, would allow our government to request the federal government to amend the maximum term of the 17th Legislative Assembly.

Currently, under the NWT Act, four years is the maximum term. In the new legislation passed now and awaiting assent by the Governor General, Bill C-15, all future Legislatures in the NWT would have maximum allowable five-year terms. Again, maximum allowable, I don’t think that any...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 26)

Thank you, Premier McLeod. Is committee agreed?

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 26)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Thebacha, that Motion 16-17(5) be amended by deleting the words “AND FURTHER, that should federal legislation be enacted as requested, the Board of Management of the Legislative Assembly propose a bill at the earliest opportunity to defer the next NWT election to October 2016,” and by replacing the second paragraph of the resolution portion of the motion with the following “AND FURTHER, that the Premier communicate this request to the Prime Minister and report back to this Assembly.” That is my motion of amendment. Thank you...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 26)

Agreed. Thank you. We’re moving on to Bill 10. Could I ask the Minister responsible to please provide us with his opening remarks. Premier McLeod.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 26)

WHEREAS Parliament is currently considering Bill C-15, the Northwest Territories Devolution Act, which includes a new Northwest Territories Act that would extend the maximum term of office of future NWT Legislative Assemblies from four to five years;

AND WHEREAS the Legislative Assemblies of Nunavut and Yukon already have five-year maximum terms of office as a result of past changes to federal legislation;

AND WHEREAS the next NWT general election is currently scheduled for October 5, 2015, in the same month as the next federal general election and municipal elections in several NWT communities...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 26)

Thank you, Ms. Bisaro. The motion is in order. To the motion.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 26)

Thank you, Ms. Bisaro. General comments. Mr. Dolynny.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 26)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Your committee has been considering Committee Report 3-17(5) and Bill 10, Northwest Territories Lands Act, and I would like to report progress with one motion being adopted and that Committee Report 3-17(5) is concluded. Mr. Speaker, I move that the report of Committee of the Whole be concurred with. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 26)

I’d like to call Committee of the Whole back to order. The report of the Standing Committee on Priorities and Planning, the Report of Bills 1, 2, 3 and Other Legislation to Implement Devolution of Lands and Resources Responsibility to the GNWT has already been read into the record. Ms. Bisaro.