Jane Groenewegen

Hay River South

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my questions are in relation to the Member’s statement I made today and my questions are for the Minister of Finance. Can the Minister please explain his department’s reasons for restricting fuel resellers from purchasing heating fuel? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 4)

Clause 16.

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Ms. Lee. Mr. Bell.

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Ms. Lee. Any further general comments? If there are no further general comments, then we will proceed to the clause-by-clause review of the bill. Clause 1. Ms. Lee.

Debates of , (day 4)

Clause 31.

Debates of , (day 4)

To the bottom of page 22, clause 14.

Debates of , (day 4)

Agreed. Thank you. Page 3, clause 14.

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Ms. Lee. Minister Bell.

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you. Bill 2 is now ready for third reading. Thank you, again, Minister Bell.

The next item on our agenda is Bill 3. I am going to turn you over to Mr. Ramsay for Bill 3.

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Braden. Mr. Bell.