Jane Groenewegen

Hay River South

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. So, Mr. Speaker, I just want to confirm that when some corporations filed their tax returns in the Northwest Territories and paid taxes to our jurisdiction, some of those were received while our corporate tax rate was 14 percent. So what would have been the incentive or motivation for those companies to file with us at 14 percent if Alberta was sitting at 12.5 percent? What would have attracted those and how could we encourage more of that? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in reference to the budget address today, I have a question for the Minister of Finance. On page 14 it says effective January 1, 2004, we will be increasing the corporate income tax rate from 12 percent to 14 percent. It goes on to say -- and this is something that is complicated I know, but I wanted to make note of it -- as a result of rebasing the tax effort adjustment factor in the new formula financing agreement, the GNWT would actually lose revenues if we attract investments at the current corporate income tax rate. So we have gone from 12 percent...

Debates of , (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I had a text all prepared here with a wonderful Member’s statement, but I think I’d just like to off-the-cuff, briefly comment on the situation as outlined in the budget today by our Finance Minister.

I guess Mr. Ramsay has referred to the pace at which we spent money in the previous Assembly and to some extent I agree with that. Our current Finance Minister, who was not the Finance Minister in the last government, used to stand up in this House on a very regular basis and talk about the debt wall. Sometimes when we were in committee meetings and planning...

Debates of , (day 2)

The motion is in order. It is not debatable. All those in favour of the motion to report progress? All those opposed? The motion is carried.


Thank you. I will now rise and report progress.

Debates of , (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I certainly do look forward to the formation and appointment of such a committee. I would also like to see though -- and I would ask the Premier if he would concur -- that the terms of reference for the mandate of this committee needs to not be restrictive in terms of where they might go in terms of identifying opportunities for this government to assist northerners regardless of where they live, and what other kinds of corporations they have in their communities to access support and help. That the terms of reference would not be restrictive and let this be decided...

Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, each Member elected to this Assembly first and foremost has the particular interests of their communities and region at heart. The North is very diverse and often so are the issues of priority to our constituencies. It is important for all of us to listen, learn and understand the pan-territorial big picture and the commonality of needs related to the delivery of government programs and services. This can be accomplished, to some extent, as we listen to each other in the Assembly and in committee meetings. But it's also valuable, whenever possible...

Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Certainly, I would not be supportive of anything that was detrimental to the airline carriers and I understand that is a very fragile business as well, but they do offer savings on an ongoing basis, things such as reduced rate seat sales, reductions for pre-booking a certain amount of time, also special rates for seniors. Does the department and the people in medical travel who make these arrangements on behalf of patients take advantage of at least those kinds of offerings that are made by the airlines? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, would the Minister have a ballpark figure on what we would spend on medical travel, excluding that portion which is emergency medical travel which requires specialized equipment and aircraft? I just want the general, mainline carriers. What would we spend in a year on medical travel, approximately? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Minister has made reference to consulting the 19 Members of this House and I very much appreciate that and would look forward to having a look at those options once they’ve been generated. He did mention that these options were coming from within the department, so they’re internal options that are being brought forward and I’d just like to know if he’s had any early responses from any of the stakeholders in these areas as to how they would receive this change. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my questions are for the Minister of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. Mr. Speaker, everybody seems to be referring to newspaper articles today. I have an article here from the Yellowknifer, November 12th, 2003, and the headline reads, “Handley says RWED will be Split in Two: Potential Premier Provides Commitment to Upgrade Tourism.” I’d like to ask the Minister, Mr. Bell, what is the status of any kind of a plan or a study or anything to undertake such a thing as splitting RWED? Thank you.