Julie Green

Yellowknife Centre

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 70)

Thank you to the Minister for that response. I am concerned that this issue is fairly straightforward and that there are a number of sets of guidelines available to review from across the country, including from the College of Family Physicians, and I feel that it would be possible to move directly to implementation without streaming everything through additional studies. I guess my question for the Minister is how to improve uptake by medical practitioners to use some kind of screening brief intervention and referral tool.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 70)

Mr. Chair, I move that this Assembly recommends that the Legislative Assembly take the necessary steps to assist in ensuring that information on the NWT's consensus government is made available to any group, organization, or government in the Northwest Territories involved in teaching young women; and further, that the Legislative Assembly encourage its Members to be supportive of hands-on learning activities on consensus government such as school visits to the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 70)

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. My questions are for the Minister of Health and Social Services. In my statement today I spoke about screening brief intervention and referral as a cost-effective way for healthcare providers to talk to their patients about the harmful effects of alcohol. This was also a recommendation of the report I spoke about in the House last year. My question is: has the Minister looked at developing guidelines, or adopting them from another jurisdiction, to provide for screening brief intervention and referral around alcohol consumption? Mahsi.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 70)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. In our travels, we discovered that there was very little information available to the people who attended our sessions about the roles and responsibilities of MLAs. They are often familiar with the work that we do in this House because they see the televised proceedings, or they may also read Hansard, but they have little understanding of the work that we do that is not televised, specifically the work of standing committees, special committees, constituency work, and the like. There was a request that we attempt to create a job description for the role of MLAs so that...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 70)

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Standing Committee on Social lunch hour reviewing the Mental Health and Addictions Recovery Plan. These are issues the committee has been engaged with because we are well aware of the tremendous amount of harm alcohol causes. Today I want to talk about a relatively simple intervention that may help stream people with alcohol dependency into the treatment they need.

The report from the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research offers a powerful major conclusion: "The current levels of alcohol-related harm in Canada are not inevitable. There is now...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 70)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. During our travels in the South Slave, we've learned that campaign schools were relatively well-known, and people who had attended them had found them useful. The regret was that there were some communities which have not yet hosted campaign schools, or had not hosted them in many years. The intention behind this motion is to ensure that there are more campaign school-type initiatives offered to women throughout the Northwest Territories, and that they be offered by individuals or organizations who are at arm's length from the government, such as the Status of Women, the...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 70)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Just as women require childcare in order to take their place in this House, they need childcare during the election campaign period. What we heard is that, through that very intense month of campaigning, forums, and door knocking, it is often necessary for women to have childcare arrangements in place outside their families. It's our understanding that the Chief Electoral Officer has allowed women to claim childcare as an election expense, but this is not a practise that is codified within the Elections and Plebiscites Act. What we're doing is trying to formulize this by...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 70)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. There is about a 5-percent increase in the funding allocated to income security. I am wondering if this is money because there are more clients or if this is money because of the change in the benefits. Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 70)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the statements in support of this motion. As people have said, this is a very simple way to make the work more accommodating for women. I request a recorded vote. Mahsi.