Julie Green

Yellowknife Centre

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I’m just wondering, if the survey is going to cater to the needs of each community, how a strategic plan will come out of that? I don’t understand how the one will lead to the other. Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you to the Minister for that response. I’m wondering then whether there is any regional distribution of the money beyond the age of the asset and the other items that she spoke about. Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Mr. Chair, thank you. I think that the motion that we passed today and discussions we had during the business planning process points to a need to create a new strategic plan for the Housing Corporation, and I understand that they have committed to work on that. Can we get an idea of when that plan might be ready for us to review? Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. I rise today as the mover of this motion aimed at addressing the deplorable state of housing endured by too many of our citizens, and disproportionately by our most vulnerable citizens. The purpose of this motion is to demonstrate the determination of this Assembly to take action to improve the state of our territorial housing stock: its suitability, adequacy and affordability. It is a priority of the 18th Assembly to increase the availability of safe and affordable housing and create solutions to address homelessness. As this motion states, the prevalence of core need in...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I appreciate that the Minister may not have that information to hand, but I’m wondering if she could commit to providing it. Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. One of the recommendations in this strategy that I want to highlight is to engage the government service officers, who are GNWT employees of course, in the communities as active champions in preventing the abuse of older adults. Is that an action that the Minister can commit to? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I’m wondering if the Housing Corporation has any other energy efficiency or consumption efficiencies planned for their units, in the areas of heat and water for example. Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Just for greater clarity, Mr. Speaker, can the Minister confirm that those priorities listed in the fiveyear strategy are, in fact, the priorities of the government? Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Thank you very much, and I appreciate the Minister’s answer on that. Could she tell me what kind of communications plan will be implemented to inform residents about this increase and about ways that they can save costs on power? Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 21)

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, most of us love and respect the elders in our lives, yet abuse of this vulnerable and growing population is a problem in the NWT and all across the country. Almost threequarters of older adults surveyed in the NWT in 2010 and then again in 2015 see abuse of themselves or their peers as a problem in their community. What is abuse in this context? The World Health Organization says it’s a single or repeated act or a lack of appropriate action occurring with any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm and distress to an older person...