Katrina Nokleby

Great Slave

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 11)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Each year the Dead North Film Festival inspires people from across the Arctic to get out and shoot short film creations in the depths of winter. It also brings Northerners together to support the film sector and have fun at this horror and fantasy genre event.

This year marks the eighth year for the Dead North Film Festival. The GNWT's Film Commission, in the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, has been a supporter and sponsor from the beginning. The annual festival has become a staple in the Yellowknife film calendar, providing professionals and newcomers...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 11)

I don't think I pretended anything, but we can have a conversation about that outside of this. One of the things we've been hearing a lot is, A, we have no money; and, B, we need to reduce the red tape. Should we go forward with the buildings act, we would then have another layer of regulation that we would need to adhere to, when we already would still be forced to adhere to Canada codes. As well, there is a cost that would come with developing this act that we potentially don't have the funds for. I do commit to the Member to start the discussion with the departments that he's mentioned and...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 11)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Meeting this target does not require the development of a building act, so the target will be met through grants and rebates that we are provided under the 2030 Energy Strategy. These will include the support for larger-scale building energy efficiency using the greenhouse gas grant program for building with industry, with almost $8 million in grants available over the four years. We are going to support community-building energy efficiency through the greenhouse gas grant program for governments, with over $7 million in grants available. We're going to support...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 11)

I cannot speak to why negotiations happened prior to myself being involved with them. I'm not sure why those services would not have been included in the contract and made to go to local businesses. However, I can assure the Member that the Tlicho government is a partner in this project, one of the P3s, and we negotiated our quotas and our requirements for the contract with them in mind and that we are meeting those targets.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 11)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The northern and local requirements in the project agreement are:

Local business construction requirement: pay at least 30 percent of total capital costs to Tlicho businesses and northern businesses, with at least 25 percent going to Tlicho businesses;

Tlicho construction labour requirement: pay at least 35 percent of total construction labour costs to Tlicho citizens and/or workers procured by a Tlicho business;

Local business operations requirement: pay at least 25 percent of annual OMR costs to Tlicho businesses and northern businesses, with at least 20 percent going to...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 11)

Even in my former life, I had heard some concerns around the MTS, the shipping industry in the Northwest Territories, so, yes, I commit to the Member that I will come to his region and see it firsthand. It was unfortunate that, while I was up in the Beaufort-Delta, my schedule didn't permit for me to go and visit the communities as much as I wanted to, so I commit to making it to the Member's home communities as soon as I possibly can.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Because I didn't talk enough already, here is my presentation here.

The 19th Legislative Assembly has identified increasing resource exploration and development for the benefit of the people of the Northwest Territories, as a priority for this government. In January, I attended the Association for Mineral Exploration Roundup in Vancouver with Premier Cochrane, Minister Thompson, and staff from the departments of Infrastructure, Industry, Tourism and Investment, Environment and Natural Resources, Executive and Indigenous Affairs, and Lands in an effort to advance the...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 10)

Just one moment, please, while I look through my numerous binders here for greenhouses. I know we do have supports in place for greenhouses. My apologies.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 10)

I think we talked about this earlier on in session. When the bids came in on the fish plant originally, they were much larger than the GNWT had allocated budgets for. I am seeing here in my notes it was about almost $6 million more than we had anticipated. The last that we discussed was that we are back looking at the actual design of the plant and how we can scale down maybe what was too ambitious of a project to begin with, and how we can bring that design back down under the budgeted price that we had anticipated. I believe that is exactly where we are right now, is revamping that plan. I...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 10)

As I am currently new to this role, I have not yet had a chance to address my federal counterparts on this specific project. I believe the Government of the Northwest Territories is doing a good job, and we are trying very much to get in front of the federal government to impress upon them our infrastructure deficit. When you asked me about ranking, I believe all of the deficits we have in our infrastructure are all critical pieces that need to be funded and we need to get them going, so there is a process. We plan to resubmit the plan as soon as we can. We have been applying actively for...