Katrina Nokleby
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Madam Chair. I would like to ask some questions around the liquor and cannabis revolving fund. And I note that NWTers are increasingly spending more money on cannabis, according to our main estimates here. Seeing an over $1 million rise from last year. So my question is and I'm going to caveat this with that I grew up in British Columbia. So the cannabis culture has been around for a very long time in that province. And through that, there's a lot of, you know, opportunities for things such as cafes and other cannabisrelated businesses that are currently at the moment not allowed...
Mr. Speaker, my riding is unique in Yellowknife in that it consists mainly of residential homes and apartment buildings with a few exceptions. There is the Catholic Church and the City of Yellowknife's water treatment plant as well as the NWT Geological Survey, Taiga lab, and Con Mine. And Mr. Speaker, there is one school, Sir John Franklin High School.
Sir John was first constructed in the 1960s with additional phases added and renovations carried out over the years. The building is also home to the Northern Arts and Cultural Centre, or NACC, one of the few theatrical arts spaces in our...
Thank you. If I can come up with one that makes sense. I guess yeah, so my understanding is that we can't give back then the direct money to people at the or going forward, based on what the government is changing, but we can still give rebates and things under other programs; is that what the Minister's saying? Thank you.
Thank you, Madam Chair. And I mean, yeah, I take that as a good sign too of an expansion but then we all know in the past too, sometimes if someone expands too much too quickly, they can't financially keep up with that. So I'm a little concerned we're in a little bit of a teetery position here when it comes to our airlines. And I guess it's worth noting as well that, you know, the issues that Canadian North faces, or Air Canada for that matter, are obviously a lot different than what our small regional carriers face and such and I know that's a bigger conversation. So I will leave that one...
Thank you, Madam Chair. My question is about the aviation sector support. I do know obviously that was the money that was put in during COVID to help keep our airplanes afloat, for lack of a better word. And so I note that there was an additional amount of $2 million put in in the revised estimates that we hadn't planned on. Can the Minister speak to I probably should know what that is, but if she could explain why we ended up putting in another $2 million last year that we didn't plan? And then I guess I'll ask my other question after. Thanks.
Thank you, Madam Chair. I just want to echo a little bit of the concerns from my colleagues around the decentralization of the human resources function.
As I've moved through some of my own health stuff at the hospital and talking with technicians and things there, there is a perceived notion, and I don't know how accurate it is, that the holdup on some of the recruitment is the department of HR and not the department of health and that, you know, as it was put to me, the job description, etcetera, had already been put in long ago to the Department of Finance, and nothing had moved. And so I...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I think that my motion is pretty selfexplanatory. Over the last while we have seen an increase in rents in our market here in Yellowknife, and in some cases as much as 46 percent people's rent has increased in one month. We do not currently, as I stated, have any parameters or measures in place in the Residential Tenancies Act to protect renters against high increases to their rent. Only we limit the amount of times or when the landlords can actually bring those increases forward.
As part of this motion, I did look at a jurisdictional scan, Mr. Speaker, of...
Seeing as the Minister left me, like, 15 seconds, I really do want to ask a question; however just I won't. That could be her reward. So thank you, Madam Chair. Thanks.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. So, Mr. Speaker, is it safe to say then that this project has been shut down, and if so, how much is this going to cost us, what penalties will be have been built into this contract to ensure that these costs are not borne by the people of the Northwest Territories? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Madam Chair. And, yeah, I appreciate that's in the little bit that I've seen of that, again not the committee I see on. But I appreciate that is what is being considered. And, again, I think it shows the understanding of the department that it's not going to be a one answer or a one size fits all across the territory.
And then I guess I'll just ask lastly, because I think that usually MLA Johnson asks and he's not going to today, is there a way or some others have asked, to actually funnel this money directly into our rehab addiction services, etcetera. And I'm pretty sure I already...