Katrina Nokleby

Great Slave

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 131)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, Carlson Construction of Edmonton completed the Lanky Court apartment complex in 1976. At the time, CMHC was the mortgage holder with a 50year loan in place the projected lifespan of the property. Carlson Construction leased the property to the NWT Housing Corporation for 15 years with the GNWT holding a onetime option to purchase, exercisable in 1991. The building was originally intended to accommodate GNWT staff.

Madam Speaker, in August 1988, a report was commissioned, "Lanky Court A Study of Building Rehabilitation for the Northwest Territories...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 131)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I also again think one is an extremely important motion. We've been hearing a lot about oh, treatment centres don't work. But, however, I think it's because of the way that we are labelling the centre. By using the term "treatment centre," we are bringing up a point of view of a clinical southern/western medicine style centre, and I don't believe that's what Regular Members have been asking for the last while and instead using the term as a healing centre I think is smart, first of all, to remove the idea or this barrier that seems to be in the Minister and the...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 131)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I think this very nicely lines up with the motions that we moved here on the floor on Monday around suicide prevention and the supports for youth. It has been proven that young people that are involved in physical activity or have a sense of feeling like they belong somewhere are going to be more less likely to become addicts and/or have thoughts of suicide. I think that this motion clearly shows how our issues cover multiple departments, I think, within our government, and we often spoke about the breaking down of silos. So I strongly support this motion and hope that...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 131)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I just wanted to thank the committee for doing this work. I have to I would guess that it was difficult work to undertake, and I do believe that it would have taken a toll on the committee in some form or manner as well as it is difficult for the residents to also hear this conversation as some of my colleagues have discussed with me. So I do appreciate that it is hard work and that we are heading down a very dangerous path at the moment when it comes to wellness, particularly amongst our youth and our Indigenous youth, and I just can't stress enough how...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 131)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, committee wishes to deal with Tabled Document 72319(2), the 20232024 Capital Estimates, and Committee Report 3719(2), Report on the Review of the 2022 Audit of Addictions Prevention and Recovery Services. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 131)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, I wish to table the following document: Plain Language Summary for Bill 64, An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, No. 3. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 131)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, I'm going to come back to a topic I brought up earlier which is fertility. I would like to ask the Minister responsible for the public sector if she would be willing to consider allowing GNWT employees to use their special leave for in vitro fertilization and other fertility treatments? Currently they are not allowed to but it is my understanding it can be used for adoption. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 131)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, can the Minister speak to what is going on with the ongoing pest control treatment at Lanky Court? It's my understanding there has been different messages put out to clients there, threats of fines should they not be out of their apartments at the time, conflicting reports on whether or not the pesticides or the pest control methods are safe for people to use. Yes, any information the Minister could provide on that would be great. Thanks.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 131)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. You were throwing me looking to the other side of the room there when you said that. My questions are for the Minister of Housing.

First, I just wonder if the Minister can speak a bit to how does the Housing Corporation review the status of maintenance and repairs on third party buildings such as Northview? We have a liability, as a government, to make sure that the housing that we're putting public housing clients into is safe, and from what I'm hearing I don't think that Lanky is. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 131)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I also supportb this motion in that I don't think that the people of the Northwest Territories can wait another four months in order to have some sort of action or movement from the department on addictions. It's clear I believe we actually had two more over the weekend in the South Slave that passed away due to overdose. And so I just I really hope that meaningful action will begin now and not in 120 days. Thank you.