Katrina Nokleby
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, can the Minister tell me whether the department plans to retender the first phase, or will there be a sole source contract going out? What is the plan now that the first tender didn't result in a successful bid? Thank you.
Thank you, Madam Chair. I probably won't be as funny as my colleague from Hay River.
I just have a quick question, and I get that it would probably be a capital project, but I'm just going to slide it in here. Has there been any further talk about a weigh scale in Yellowknife to help support the winter road? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. March 1st, Mr. Speaker I don't think there’s been a date in this territory that so many people have looked forward to, except perhaps the day the KFC reopened last year.
Today we see the easing of restrictions and the end of the dreaded "mandates" or "proof of vaccines". Whatever you may choose to call them, the semantics game is over. Today is the day that so many NWTers have been anticipating for almost two years; the day where we no longer need to know how far six feet is or ask probing questions about our friends’ vaccination status or who they've been spending time...
Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, I just have a small comment or question to ask around I'm really glad to see that there's been the increase in positions for the occupational health and safety section here, and I know that that's the result of one new position in a region, which I think is great, and I guess I'd just like to urge the Minister or see if there are plans for one of these positions in each of the five regions. Thank you.
Thank you, Madam Chair. And, yeah, I think I've said it often that I support getting as much money into the communities to do their projects as possible and at their direction.
I guess my last question's just around the Tulita Solar Project. Well, I understand why there's no money there now; the project is complete. I'm just curious to know if the department is looking at another community in order to expand or create this type of program somewhere else. And I do believe there was also community training that was involved with this program with technicians. So it's another great way to increase...
Thank you, Madam Chair. Is there potentially a way to carve off a chunk of money that then could be provided as a support to people, or even through an NGO type organization, so that I guess I get really hung up again on, you know, we are a small territory with lacking capacity. I don't want us to sit here with money that doesn't get spent because there isn't I mean, I know it would get spent somewhere. But it would probably get spent somewhere in a community like Yellowknife versus in, you know, Paulatuk, right? So to me, the amount of spaces like this we'd be talking about would be...
Thank you, Madam Chair. And since the Minister brought it up, I'll ask around the CAP program, the community access program. I see that there is more money here than there was in the 20202021 Actuals, which is a great. Do we expect that this program will be fully subscribed. And if it is and there's more asks, will we be finding more money for it? Thank you.
Thank you, Madam Chair. Yeah, I guess I really want to see that mukluk and kamik display or collection that we have at the museum get on display at some point because it's pretty fantastic.
I like what the Minister is saying about collaborations, and I think that there's an opportunity to collaborate with Indigenous organizations. I love that we have the art in the airport, that type of thing going on. So I think there's plenty of opportunities. We can have art in our schools, other ways that we could be showcasing that around city so that when we do have tourists return, there's something for...
Thank you, Madam Chair. Does that mean that the department would be looking to come back for more money from us, or would be looking to find that money internally? Thank you.
Thank you, Madam Chair. I guess just to ask a little bit further about the Minister's comment regarding that we are the second highest funded in Canada, I guess my question is is that an overall second highest amount, or is that sort of a per capita fund? Because I my point or the reason I ask is that if I think it's harder to deliver this type of work in the North, like everything else that we do. So if it is just a sole amount, I don't know that that necessarily makes up for the difficulty maybe for our people to execute programs or a lack of capacity for executing programs and services in...