Katrina Nokleby
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thanks for that answer. And I guess to the I'm assuming that with an apprenticeship program that it's not always tied specifically to the employer but is an overarching program, and I see people nodding their heads "yes", so that's that's good. I guess that was where my concern is.
I'm just looking at the training and support workshops line. You know, there's only the 2,000 spent in 20202021 and then, you know, back up to 250 I'm assuming that these are these numbers are so low because of COVID? Could the Minister confirm that, from the 20202021 actuals? Thanks.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Yeah, I think that this could play a really large piece back into sort of more of the traditional economy and such and then as well as providing those supplies. And I just see that I feel that our fur and our crafts and all of that is just a really untapped resource for the territory that we need to be looking at more. So I guess I just want to say that I support seeing more expansion of this type of a program and then along the lines of what my colleagues were saying around the tanning and such and the ability to produce hides that we talked about the other day. So more...
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I just have some questions about the fair marketing revolving fund. I note that there's a 1,500 a year sorry, 1.5 million a year authorized limit. Is that a sorry, yeah, is that a cap that's based solely on, like, supply? Or could we actually look to increase this, or would we then be looking at a draw down of animals and such that it's not sustainable? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. I guess just further along these lines, has there ever actually been incidents of caribou or wildlife being harassed by drilling companies that have been charged or that the Minister is aware of? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. So I guess sorry, just one sec here. So under the in the grants contributions transfer, the water regulatory line there, is that just sort of a status quo amount, so that's not that they're like, you're not developing new ones, that money's not going to new development; it's more just for the application of the regulatory guidelines? Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Madam Speaker. That's concerning, but I'll move on. Besides telephone Help Lines, what specific supports are provided to families and guardians to help them recognize the signs or symptoms of a mental health emergency in their children long before it gets to the point of suicide? Where do parents go for help when they find themselves in this situation? Thank you.
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, on Feb 7th the CBC reported that Alberta psychiatrists are raising the alarm that the ongoing mental health crisis amongst children and youth has evolved into a fullblown mental health emergency. These experts are calling on the provincial government to provide a significant increase in funding for additional child and youth mental healthcare services, as COVID19 mandates, including isolation requirements, have exacerbated an already precarious situation.
Alberta Children's Hospital has seen a 200 percent increase in mental healthrelated emergency room...
Thank you, Mr. Chair. And Mr. Chair, does the department anticipate that that maybe needs to change or evolve, or do they see that as working going forward? I guess sometimes I get a little bit concerned that there's a lot of whereas that we do want to breakdown the silos but there's a lot of times where, like, I hear, like, that ADMs or the deputy ministers are having all these committees and then it makes me wonder if they're just having a lot of committee meetings and, you know, like maybe they're being overwhelmed in that and maybe the right people aren't. So I guess I'm just curious to...
I just want to say I appreciate the Minister and deputy minister's patience, as you can understand that from this side we definitely want you to be asking for that money to be paid for by the federal government regardless, you know, if we do end up doing the remediation work ourselves. Some of it seems like it's their stalling that has let the mine to get to that state for so long. So I feel like we should hold them accountable. And again, just a comment. So thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Without incriminating myself, I may have had a time or an opportunity; I've looked around the Ptarmigan Mine despite some "no trespassing" signs there. So I'm just curious to know if we're verging on to somewhat of an emergent situation at Ptarmigan? I know that there are issues with a head frame and probably likely stability and such of some of the buildings. I'm not sure if there's an open raise or shaft there. I see my colleague nodding his head yes. So what point would we get to where it becomes a hazard to the point where we have to do something ahead of that...