Kevin A. Menicoche
Statements in Debates
That was previously approved, I think it was in the fall time, in our capital budget. Is that correct, Mr. Chair?
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I give notice that on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, I will move the following motion: Now therefore I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Hay River North, that the Legislative Assembly strongly recommends that the Department of Health and Social Services work with Aboriginal governments to establish a wellness centre at Stanton Territorial Hospital;
And further, that the Department of Health and Social Services incorporate a wellness centre into its plan for renewal of the Stanton Territorial Hospital;
And furthermore, that the government provide a comprehensive...
I’d like to thank the Minister for that response. Certainly, it almost sounds like a final offer. I guess what I’m in support of is we have to sit down with the Dehcho again. In fact, I think their latest asking is, geez, we’re 7,000 square kilometres apart. While mediation is never a popular way to go about it, I’d like to ask the Minister: What are his thoughts on getting mediation and getting back to the table, finding some more common ground, and let’s continue to move forward with our government and the Dehcho First Nations.
Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Earlier today I spoke about the Dehcho and their seemingly stalled talks with the GNWT. I guess what it’s all about is since the onset of devolution, GNWT, of course, takes more of a lead only because now we have the lands in question. So, maybe I’ll ask the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs about our new role in negotiating with the Dehcho First Nations? Previous to this we were leaning heavily on Canada. I’d like to know how much weight we have as the GNWT negotiating with the Dehcho First Nations. Mahsi cho.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I am just going to touch on a few things I raised in the past couple of weeks. One was the delivery of fuel to the small communities. One Member may have asked, but have the tenders gone out and is the fuel being delivered as we speak? Is the purchase as anticipated? Hopefully that means the communities will get cheaper fuel for the upcoming year.
As well, I was wondering about the RFP for the Fort Simpson Health Centre planning study. I was wondering about progress on that front. Generally, I raised in the House about Nogha Enterprises building a new office...
Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. I think today there was an outstanding shout out for women on International Women’s Day by my colleagues here and I, too, share the recognition, but my shout out today is to express my thanks to social workers for all the hard work they do in our communities.
While I have chosen to say thank you during National Social Work Month, their work is really appreciated in Nahendeh communities all year round. The reality is that our social workers are on the front lines of changing history for the better. Many of the problems they help people with stem from residential...
Thank you, Mr. Chair. I am pleased they are moving forward and beginning the dialogue. I think if they can go further and identify some office space they need for the future, that will go a long way in firming up that project. As well, I think I asked about the RFP on the Fort Simpson Health Centre planning study, Mr. Chair. Thank you.
Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. It gives me great pleasure to recognize the hearts of my life, Ms. Lucyanne Kendo and Miss Brittany Jewel visiting us here in the gallery today. I’m glad to see you here, watching me at work and all my colleagues. Mahsi.
Then, in the Yukon, the First Nations health programs promote the provision of quality culturally sensitive holistic health care to Aboriginal people by providing social and spiritual support as well as access to traditional food, medicine and healing practices.
I am pleased to hear that the Department of Health and Social Services is supportive of the concept and has identified and set aside land at the Stanton Territorial Hospital. Regretfully, an Aboriginal wellness centre was never included in the Stanton Renewal Project. But with political will, no army can stop us from including it in the...
It shows that the department is willing to entertain and move forward with this. I would like to know how well the department continues to endorse and support this very worthwhile initiative. The Stanton Renewal Project is to be completed in five years. We do have an opportunity to include this as part of the completion in five years.