Kevin A. Menicoche


Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 5)

Madam Speaker, mahsi cho. (English not provided)

Madam Speaker, I have been approached by numerous elders and most of them have been expressing concerns with inadequate health care services, especially, Madam Speaker, in the community of Wrigley. Wrigley has not had a regular nurse or other medical service staff for quite some time. For an isolated community, this is not acceptable.

When elders come to talk to me about these problems and are obviously in such pain and discomfort, I cannot help feeling frustrated with the current situation of medical services. Elders have to travel to Fort...

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, honourable colleagues. Madam Speaker, if the GNWT does not take action now, it would be unacceptable if there was a serious, unfortunate event that was to occur. Health care must be one of the highest priorities of this government. The provision of regular health care for our communities and constituents must be a priority of this government. It, too, I believe, must be declared a necessary service to the NWT, Madam Speaker. Thank you.


Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I am sure that the government and the Minister are well aware that many of these smaller communities have no other resources, such as the larger communities which can go to industry and can go to private enterprises. Small communities, Madam Speaker, like Wrigley and even Fort Liard to some extent, don't have those opportunities to ask other areas. They are coming to me and I am asking the government look, we have to help them out and they are telling me no. I am saying when is this government going to help our small communities? They must know that they have no...

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. This question is for the Minister responsible for Youth. Knowing that the government must commit to additional investment with respect to youth initiatives for healthy and prosperous communities, why has the government reduced funding for this fiscal year to the point that funds have been exhausted in the first month of this fiscal year? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I would very much look forward to the Minister providing that information to me and if they can provide it before we leave this session this week. It’s just that myself and the Minister and the government are aware of the small communities, but I think what’s happening, Madam Speaker, is that in the small communities' perspective this does not exist in our bureaucracy. So we’re going to have to look at some way of addressing that. Once again, if the Minister will provide that information to me before we leave this session, that will be appreciated. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you very much, Madam Speaker. I guess a little bit of clarification is in order for the Minister. During my recent tour I went to Wrigley and Fort Liard and the students there were looking at traveling for track and then going down for some orientation and looking at some areas of further education down in Alberta. I went to the Minister and asked him, I said look, these communities need help. He said no, we cannot help them. I said, well why? The official response was we have no more money in the pot. My question to the Minister, Madam Speaker, is why do we not have any more...

Debates of , (day 4)

Madam Speaker, today I am responding to a very alarming situation regarding the youth program budget for this year; or rather, the lack thereof. Several communities within my constituency have waited for this fiscal year to apply for youth activity funding, hoping their early application could enhance their chances for funding. I regret to say that to my chagrin the recent response from the Minister’s office was unfavourable. What was alarming was that the funds were exhausted already. How can this be when we’re only in the first quarter, Madam Speaker?

If the GNWT had little or no funding to...

Debates of , (day 4)

Mr. Chairman, the committee wishes to consider Ministers’ statements 1-15(4), 3-15(4), 4-15(4), 5-15(4), specifically with Minister Bell.

Debates of , (day 3)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I hear the Minister and I am sure glad that the clock is ticking on this important subject for my constituents. Speaking about clocks, what is the timing like in moving a machine over to Fort Simpson? Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Debates of , (day 3)

So I think the plan here is if the Minister can indicate to his department about the communities and tell them about this plan, because it’s just not apparent and people aren’t seeing anything done. If the Minister can indicate to the communities about what that plan is, that would be appreciated. Thank you.