Kevin A. Menicoche


Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just with respect to the magnetic pass cards; is there an estimated cost, that makes it so prohibitive? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. That is fine now, Mr. Chairman. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight has noted with concern that there is a substantial degree of duplication and/or overlap between certain mandates and activities of the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs and those in the Executive, in particular the Intergovernmental Relations and Strategic Planning office, IGRASP. Some Members are of the opinion that this has led to a waste of valuable human and fiscal resources. Others point to the overlap of responsibilities and accountability of certain high-level GNWT officials.

An important part of the work...

Debates of , (day 51)

Mr. Speaker, I wish to report that the Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight has reviewed Bill 21, An Act to Amend the Public Service Act, and wishes to report that Bill 21 is ready for consideration in Committee of the Whole.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to waive Rule 70(5) and have Bill 21 ordered into Committee of the Whole for today. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. I understand that some of the expenditures that they’re looking for in 2005-06 is to do a full engineering study and the budgeted amount is around $41 million. I’m just wondering, at what point will the government put the brakes on this project if it exceeds the $41 million bill?

Debates of , (day 51)

Than you, Mr. Speaker. My questions today are for the Minister of Justice, with respect to the courthouse that is being planned. I understand that this initiative was being brought forward by this government. Constituents of my riding are concerned; they want to know why we need to spend so much on such infrastructure. They want to know why we are building another courthouse in Yellowknife when we already have one there, Mr. Speaker. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Once again we have another department with no written targets or goals and I’ll maintain again that they’re not goals or targets if they’re not written down. We need something written that we can measure against. It will help the department. So that’s what I’d like to see when it comes to the Legislative Assembly, I want to see it written down there. We spoke about it several times this week and last week that we should have a reflective northern workforce, especially when we do have tourists coming through those doors. They should see a workforce reflective...

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Just with respect to Mr. Zoe’s comments and translators for us, I believe that as well. Far before we hire any translators for people from outside our country, we should be hiring translators for ourselves. I would just like the Speaker to keep that in mind. I know that the one time they hired a translator on my behalf, I was able to use them and it helped me stimulate the use of my own language, and written-wise, too. I just wanted to make that comment in support of Mr. Zoe’s efforts. You have to remember, too, that Mr. Zoe brought our Legislative Assembly to a...

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I have a quick comment with regard to the Page program. It’s a huge opportunity for our students from the regions to come to the capital for probably a week at a time, maybe two weeks at a time, to get involved in the Legislative Assembly. But I had an experience where I ended up paying for some of the costs like places for them to stay. It’s coming out of my budget, then there’s always that inequity where Yellowknife MLAs have Pages but they are not paying anything. So I would just like the Speaker to comment on that.

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am happy to speak on this topic. It’s regarding the parking facility. Perhaps I can ask the Speaker what the long-term plans are for the improvement of parking. There seems to be some solution in the long term for that. As well, I have been using the facilities after hours and it’s always a pain for security to come and unlock the door. I believe, at one point, the previous Assembly was looking at a magnetic door opener. I just want to bring it up again and see if that is still in the plans or if that’s something that’s doable.

Actually, I think it is doable...