Kevin O'Reilly

Frame Lake

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 83)

Thanks. Do I need to ask the question again? All right. Can someone tell me what the ballpark figure of this mineral administration or registry system is and where we're at with its development? Thanks, Madam Chair.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 83)

Thanks, Madam Chair. I move that the chair rise and report progress.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 83)

Thanks. I've got other questions but I need to move on to my comments, thanks.

Madam Chair, I voted against the last capital budget and I intend to do so again on this one. I think we are spending too much money on capital. We're going into debt at a greater rate than any other -- any time that I've ever seen in my six years in past governments as well.

$150 million, this is what the Minister said yesterday, $150 million in this budget alone is for roads, and this budget shows us spending $10.6 million on housing, when housing is a priority for this Assembly, and certainly for myself, many of...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 83)

Thanks, Madam Chair. Yeah, thanks to the Minister for that. Yeah, I'm interested in having that meeting or discussion at some point, because the mines, they have water licenses. That's where the closure obligations are set out. They have a closure plan, standards are developed. I've seen, you know, reclamation calculations using spreadsheets. ENR actually maintains that spreadsheet.

I don't know why our system should be much different. In fact, some of our assets probably have water licenses, or should have water licenses. The sewage lagoons and so on. And they're going to have get...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 83)

Thanks. Just a comment, I guess it would be really helpful if there was a page in the capital estimates that demonstrated how this is going to be in compliance with the fiscal responsibility policy. But I'll leave that for the Minister and her officials to take up with the next capital estimates.

Can someone tell me how much do we actually spend on housing? How much do we anticipate spending on housing in 2022-2023 in terms of capital? We've got about a $10.6 million, you know, budget here for the Housing Corp, which is only for information, but of course a lot of their stuff happens on the O...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 83)

Thanks, Madam Chair. Well, it may not be what we "do" but why are we building contributing towards the cost of a line that goes from Inuvik to Tuk and then just leaving the people in the community without the service? We've already seen that happen with Mackenzie Valley fibre link where it goes right by communities. There's no last mile into them. They get no benefits, nothing out of it. And I think this is a good project. But if we can't help make sure that people can get connected to it, we're failing. Thanks. And I'm a just going to leave it at that because I just don't think that our...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 83)

Okay. Thanks, Madam Chair. I'm just trying to reconcile that against -- I know we've got a supplementary appropriation, which I'm not supposed to be talking about, where there's actually a negative adjustment of $126 million. So how does that relate to the $90 million I guess carryover that seems to be on page 3 of the document. Thanks, Madam Chair.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 83)

Thanks, Madam Chair. Yeah, I guess I remain rather confused about all this. If there was a way to get further information about the ownership and operation of the Inuvik to Tuk fibre, how much we're paying, how much the feds are paying, how much Northwestel's paying, that would be really helpful. So is the Minister prepared to provide that information. Thanks.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 83)

Thanks, Madam Chair. Yeah, I appreciate the Minister getting her witnesses here.

So this is the largest ever capital budget for this government, and I'm just wondering how much of it is actually unspent projects, unspent capital works from the previous year. So, you know, are there carryovers, or there's this new term that the department seems to be using, "future cash flow.” How much of it is unspent funds from last year or previous years beyond that. Thanks, Madam Chair.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 83)

Okay, thanks. So I'm trying to figure this out. So the feds are putting $5 million $14 million into this; we're putting five or maybe six at least it seems to show here. Northwestel is putting an unknown amount in, and we don't know have what the total cost of the project is. I'm just trying to reconcile all this. Does anybody know what the total cost of this project is. Thanks, Madam Chair.