Kevin O'Reilly
Statements in Debates
Thanks, Madam Chair. I have a different question. Under the Low Carbon Economy Fund, which is a federal program, I think there was some money in there for carbon sequestration, and I think, reforestation, possibly. Does that show up anywhere in the ENR budget, or is the department accessing any of that funding? Thanks, Madam Chair.
Thanks, Madam Chair. I guess, with my 15 seconds left, this is a real problem, and it needs to get fixed. I haven't even touched the issue of prevention, which our government hasn't done a very good job on, and I don't blame any of the individuals at the table for this, but we need to get our act together if we're going to try to demonstrate responsible resource development in the future. Thanks, Madam Chair. That's all I have.
Thanks, Madam Chair. Can someone tell me, this review that's going to be done, is it being done internally, externally? Do we have a cost figure for that review? Thanks, Madam Chair.
Thanks, Madam Chair. I did have a couple of questions on forest management, if I can. Page 80, there's a line item here. I think it's contract services, there's a big increase from last year. Can I get an explanation? Thanks, Madam Chair.
Thanks, Madam Chair. The model does allow for separate calculations of land- versus water-related securities, and is that done on some sort of rule of thumb of 60/40 split, or is this defensible, legally, in some other say, a court of law, or do we need to clarify our legislation in some way? Thanks, Madam Chair.
Sorry. Thanks, Madam Chair. I didn't quite hear the Minister's answer. He said June of this year? Thanks, Madam Chair.
Thanks, Madam Chair, and thanks to the Minister and his staff for that explanation. Can someone tell me just very briefly what the Community Harvesters Assistance Program is all about, and if and when it was last increased? Thanks, Madam Chair.
Thanks, Madam Chair. Can the Minister prepare that breakdown of the $1.9 million in relation to the Climate Change Strategic Framework action plan? Thanks, Madam Chair.
Thanks, Madam Chair. I understand that this is a recent development. We've had devolution for almost five, six years now, and this is the first time this has happened where the Minister has refused to accept financial security. While the amount here is not a big one, a large amount, I'm worried about what this means for the future, and whether the Minister is going to continue to refuse security that includes land and water amounts. How do we even decide what's land and water? Is a tailings dam, is it land or water-related? This is not very helpful, and I want to know what the fix is, because...
Thanks, Madam Chair. We wouldn't be necessarily waiting for the federal money before we start to do something ourselves; is that correct? Thanks, Madam Chair.