Kevin O'Reilly
Statements in Debates
Thanks, Mr. Chair. Are these indeterminate positions, or are they contract? What's the status of these positions? Thanks, Mr. Chair.
Thanks, Mr. Chair. I've never heard that kind of a promise from a Minister before, so I'm glad to get it. I just don't know what these guys are actually going to do, because I just don't know how many disputes there are actually going to be in terms of surface rights. I know they have some policy development and stuff to do, but I'm just not sure what they're going to do. I'm on record as suggesting that the legislation that was passed by the federal government is not a co-management approach and I'm hoping that we would move towards that direction ourselves. Thanks, Mr. Chair.
Thanks, Mr. Chair. So would the Minister commit to see if that might be possible? Then I promise I'll leave him alone about this for a little while, not too long but a little while. Thanks, Mr. Chair.
Thanks, Mr. Chair. I think I made my points. Thank you.
Thanks, Mr. Chair. I have no further questions, just a quick comment: that I'm still trying to understand how closing the legal aid clinic in the Beaufort-Delta, closing court registry, and closing the court library actually improves access to justice, but that's more of a statement. Thanks, Mr. Chair.
Thanks, Mr. Chair. I'm very happy to hear that and I look forward to the meeting on Tuesday. Thanks.
Thanks, Mr. Chair. I guess this is the section where the contributions of the Law Society and the NWT Law Foundation are shown towards the court library over the years. There was a commentary piece on CBC by a local lawyer that talked about how there was a 2012 special committee of the Law Society that was set up to make recommendations on the court library and they came up with a number of recommendations to actually reduce the costs of the library but it doesn't appear that any of those were actually implemented. I'm just wondering if anybody from the department can talk about what happened...
Thanks, Mr. Chair. I appreciate the answer. So to just put that maybe in plain language: the money that's used to subsidize the diesel costs associated with low water levels, part of that extra funding was used so we could build capacity in the renewable side of things so that we wouldn't to keep, hopefully, paying money for diesel? Is that correct? Thanks, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Chair, when I look at page 274, program detail, there are cuts between what was in the mains for 201516 and 201617 for court workers, legal aid commission, and the Yellowknife Legal Aid Clinic. Even the Somba K’e Legal Aid Clinic, there's a small decrease there. So, with this decrease in expenditures for legal aid services, how are we actually improving access to justice, which is in our mandate? Thanks, Mr. Chair.
Thanks, and I appreciate it. We are dealing with labels on a page, which really don't translate into very much. I guess what I am most concerned about is the reduction overall from 7.3 in the mains in 2015-16 down to $6.8 million this year. That is why I guess I am asking these sorts of questions. Why the overall reduction in this part of the Lands department? Thanks, Mr. Chair.