Louis Sebert


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 56)

Frankly, I don't know whether our definitions would include trustee or whether there has been any case law that might assist. However, it is an important issue, and I will get back to the Member opposite on this important issue. I understand what he is asking, I think.

Yes, certainly that might make a major change in the law if they were included in the definition of operator. I think that is the question. I don't know whether the Member opposite is suggesting that the trustee would be personally liable for environmental obligations. All I can say is that I, myself, will read the case and...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 56)

I am not certain about the question, whether the question had to do with financial resources that were going to be provided. I will again talk to the parties, involve the RCMP and, of course, the Department of Justice, and get as much information as I can as to timelines, certainly. As to financial commitments, I will have to look into that. Thank you.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 56)

I do know, obviously, that there are many partners in this important work. I am not certain as to when the last meetings took place or what level of engagement has been made, but I will look into that and get back to the Member opposite.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 56)

I don't think I can commit to the creation or development of such a program at this time. There may be certain costs involved that we would have to look into. However, I do recognize that this is an important issue and will consider the question posed by the Member opposite.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 56)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Certainly, we know it is an issue in Corrections. However, not all of those with this condition are diagnosed, and I don't think we would have an exact count as to the number of people who are suffering from FASD. The Member opposite is quite correct that often they do come into contact with the justice system, but securing a diagnosis is a complex and costly process. An FASD diagnosis is not required for an individual with complex needs to access service, so as I say, diagnosis is difficult, but we do realize this is a problem in Corrections and in society generally...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 55)

As I have mentioned, a prerequisite to the transfers which have been spoken of by the Member opposite was the community plan. That was required before we moved to this next step. We are now moving to that next step, and there will be a staged approach so that the land that we are planning to turn over will be turned over to the Hamlet of Enterprise.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 55)

Yes, thank you, Mr. Speaker. There have been meetings, of course, between Lands staff, and I know at least one of our senior people has been over there many times to meet with the community. They have been attempting to arrange some other meetings, and I understand that it has been somewhat difficult to arrange a firm date, but hopefully dates can be arranged in the future.

The Member will know that one of the prerequisites to turning over the land was the community plan that was worked on and has now been approved by MACA, so hopefully we're going to be moving ahead in a staged process to...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 55)

This might be an issue that the transition committee might look into because I don't think anything could be done in the very near future. Certainly, I am willing to look into this issue. Again, as I have said numerous times before, increase in cost would have to go through the budgetary process, but I am willing to look seriously at this issue. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 55)

I guess I am part of the problem in this area because, as the Member across has mentioned, there is a problem. There were more lawyers, I think, in the smaller towns up here several years ago, active lawyers doing general practice, than there are now. Certainly, I am willing to look at this issue. Of course, adding a clinic or additional lawyers would involve additional expense, so we would have to proceed through the budgetary process. I am aware of the problem and am concerned and willing to look at it.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 55)

I can't commit to adding a second lawyer, as any additional resources would have to proceed through the budgetary process, but certainly we do want to look at the level of activity in the office. I am open to considering issues that, if the office is overworked or there is too much work, we may have to add staff. I will be open to that discussion, but again, it has to go through the budgetary process. Thank you.