Louis Sebert
Statements in Debates
As I said, the department is in the process of finalizing a document as to what was heard, and, that document, I can commit to sharing that document. Ultimately, the document may be tabled. However, that would require it to be translated, as I understand it, I am informed, into French, and that probably would take place in the next Assembly.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I can advise that the meeting referred to did take place in mid-June and was well attended. The department is in the process of finalizing a document on what was heard and outcomes from the two-day meetings. I do not yet have that document, but, as I say, I believe the meeting was successful dealing with these very important issues.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Committee heard that the term "significant official dealings" should be defined to provide more clarity and to reflect the increased decision-making role of Ministers in the post-devolution environment. Committee considered this carefully and conducted a review of other jurisdictions in Canada and found that, in most jurisdictions where the terms "significant official dealings" and "official dealings" are used, they are undefined.
The committee consulted with the Commissioner on this point, and it was his recommendation that the term remains undefined to allow for a more...
Lands is working with the communities to clarify processes for the transfer of land and fee simple, as well as the responsibilities that go along with the administration of land within the communities. I understand also that Lands and MACA staff are currently working on a strategy or finalizing a strategy on the process for the transfer of land and assets specifically to community governments. We do realize that there is an issue here, and we are taking steps to improve the process.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The two departments do, of course, work together. For example, the Department of Lands provides guidance to MACA and community governments when developing and implementing community development plans. Now, the department utilizes the community plans of the municipal governments to ensure that the applications are consistent with the use identified in the plans. MACA has the responsibility for ensuring that community plans are in place, so the two departments do work together in this important area. Thank you.
I am not certain whether all communities do have community plans in place, but I know that MACA can work with communities, and Lands can also assist in developing a community plan, which is important for the progress and future of the community. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Of course, Lands is bound by the law in this area. With respect to that, there is the Commissioner's land regulations that, among other things, in dealing with an application, the deputy minister has to be satisfied that the land is no larger in area than is reasonable for the purpose for which the land is required.
There is no overall policy to turn all land over to the municipalities. In fact, the GNWT may have its own future needs for infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals, and so on. These future needs have to be considered if contemplating the turning over of lands to community...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I wish to table the following document entitled "30th Annual Report 2018-2019 - Victims Assistance Committee of the Northwest Territories." Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
I do realize this is an important issue. Not everybody has easy access to legal advice or lawyers. There is, however, information available. The outreach lawyer has and will go into communities to assist in the preparation of wills in certain circumstances. For clients in the communities, the outreach worker will also prepare simple wills upon request and if there are clear instructions. In some circumstances, for some clients, they will actually prepare the wills. We are making advancements. We do realise that there is difficulty in this area, but I don't think we have the assets or the...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. There are certain factors that are very important in dealing with estates; certainly, the size of the estate and whether there is a will or not. Now, the public trustee, in certain cases, will assist. Generally, however, they will accept administration of estates where the only beneficiaries are children, the beneficiary is a spouse and a senior citizen. It says over the age of 65, I think, on the website, but they will go as low as 60 in age. Or the beneficiary is mentally incapable or there are significant assets and no next of kin can be found. In other circumstances...