Michael McLeod

Deh Cho

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 2)

Mr. Chairman, the…

Debates of , (day 1)

Mr. Speaker, this year, at the outset of our ferry operating season, we did experience some problems acquiring the necessary engineers to operate the ferry at the Liard River crossing. We have now identified the individuals that are needed. We are in the process of recertifying some of the people that will be working in an engineering capacity for the summer, and that’s being done by Transport Canada. We have an official coming to the North to do that. We also experienced some problems with the Nduli ferry, and the contractor has indicated to us now that he has resolved that issue and we...

Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, on May 24th at 12:17 p.m., an event happened that changed my life forever. That event, Mr. Speaker, was the birth of my very first grandchild.


My grandson was born to my daughter Kim and her husband, Raymond. What this has to do with the Legislative Assembly, that is a good question. I am glad you all asked it. As I held the boy for the first time, I had a new perspective on what I do for a living. I wondered what was in store for him. I wondered about his future and the future of the other children that were born in Inuvik. We have had a...

Debates of , (day 1)

Mr. Speaker, this year, at the outset of our ferry operating season, we did experience some problems acquiring the necessary engineers to operate the ferry at the Liard River crossing. We have now identified the individuals that are needed. We are in the process of recertifying some of the people that will be working in an engineering capacity for the summer, and that’s being done by Transport Canada. We have an official coming to the North to do that. We also experienced some problems with the Nduli ferry, and the contractor has indicated to us now that he has resolved that issue and we...

Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, on May 24th at 12:17 p.m., an event happened that changed my life forever. That event, Mr. Speaker, was the birth of my very first grandchild.


My grandson was born to my daughter Kim and her husband, Raymond. What this has to do with the Legislative Assembly, that is a good question. I am glad you all asked it. As I held the boy for the first time, I had a new perspective on what I do for a living. I wondered what was in store for him. I wondered about his future and the future of the other children that were born in Inuvik. We have had a...

Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we’ve had to increase our staff requirements at the Liard River crossing from two crews that operated historically through the contract process to three crews now and we did have some shortcomings when it came to some of the engineers. The engineers that had worked for the previous contractor no longer wanted to come to work for the territorial government with some of the issues around the lack of vacation pay and issues of that nature. We did go out and seek individuals that could be recertified and we have Transport Canada coming to the North, I think...

Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in the early '70s, not too many people knew where the Northwest Territories was. A group of skiers started travelling all over the world and people, after that, realized where the Northwest Territories was. We owe them a great deal of thanks. I believe they put the Northwest Territories on the map. With that, I would like to recognize a recent recipient of the Aboriginal Achievement Award and former resident of Inuvik, Ms. Shirley Firth-Larson. Welcome.


Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we’ve had to increase our staff requirements at the Liard River crossing from two crews that operated historically through the contract process to three crews now and we did have some shortcomings when it came to some of the engineers. The engineers that had worked for the previous contractor no longer wanted to come to work for the territorial government with some of the issues around the lack of vacation pay and issues of that nature. We did go out and seek individuals that could be recertified and we have Transport Canada coming to the North, I think...

Debates of , (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in the early '70s, not too many people knew where the Northwest Territories was. A group of skiers started travelling all over the world and people, after that, realized where the Northwest Territories was. We owe them a great deal of thanks. I believe they put the Northwest Territories on the map. With that, I would like to recognize a recent recipient of the Aboriginal Achievement Award and former resident of Inuvik, Ms. Shirley Firth-Larson. Welcome.


Debates of , (day 40)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the newspaper article referenced some initiatives that were taken by our Department of Transportation to look at reducing energy use. As part of the energy conservation action plan that was tabled in this House by our Premier, our intent with that initiative was to look at the concept of finding a way of rewarding people who used energy-efficient vehicles. It was not intended to look at increasing the cost of registration for vehicles that are of high consumption, but rather to look at what can be done to encourage use of vehicles that use less energy or...