Michael McLeod

Deh Cho

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 22)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the issue of gravel in the community of Tuktoyaktuk and the source of gravel has been a long-standing one that the community has raised on a number of occasions and the department has been looking at for a long time now. In the 1990s, they were able to construct a kilometre road and there is still another 22 kilometres that have to be constructed. We did have several meetings with the community and members of the community over the last while to discuss this issue. We looked at different ways that we could try to fast track some of this with the federal...

Debates of , (day 22)

Madam Chair, the act is fairly clear on the accountability process. There are a number of ways to enforce a lot of the stuff; whether it’s through the enforcement officers or through the Minister’s authority. Also, we have to remember that a lot of these lands that fall under the airport jurisdiction also are within the city. We follow very closely with the zoning requirements. We also require our leases to have permits that are issued from the city. So we have a number of ways, checks and balances, that we ensure that the proper rules are followed.

Debates of , (day 22)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I already offered to do that. I'd be willing to sit with the Member and the leadership of the Tlicho to discuss this. There are a number of concerns that come to the forefront, and we have relayed this to the Member. The contractors have raised the issue of us going into an area where they could go as private contractors. There is land jurisdiction that is a concern. Anything off of our highway right-of-way is a jurisdiction that could possibly be federal land, or it could be Commissioner's land. We need authorization to go onto that land. We may...

Debates of , (day 22)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Again, that is quite outside this bill. However, we don’t look after the CARS contract anymore. That responsibility is through NAV Canada. They have gone to a private company to administer this program. So that responsibility is no longer ours.

Debates of , (day 22)

If they don't want to go out on the land, ask them to go. If they're the problem, take them on the land with you. It's just too big of a problem to keep ignoring. Kids nowadays have a whole world of opportunity in front of them, a whole world. If they want to go to school, they can be anything they want and this government will support them. I've seen that firsthand. As long as you don't apply 24 hours too late.


Those out there that supply the alcohol and drugs to these young children, you've got to be ashamed of yourself. I'm real curious to know what the view from the bottom...

Debates of , (day 22)

Mr. Chair, again, this is outside of this act. I am trying to get information as we go here, but, Mr. Chair, there is the ability to access the airside through a different legislation that is administered by the federal government. Our airport managers are authorized to grant a permit to do so. There are rules around it. However, that information is being circulated to the different airport authorities. We also have had our staff go into the community of Tuktoyaktuk to provide that information.

Debates of , (day 22)

Mr. Chair, the authority for vehicles to go onto the airside of an airport is not in this legislation. This legislation is intended to reflect authority over the groundside of the airport. However, having had the question raised to us at the committee and also a letter from Mr. Pokiak, we did take a look at it and review the Aeronautics Act that governs the airside of the airport. There is allowance for the airport manager to authorize vehicles to go on. We have had our staff go into Tuktoyaktuk to talk to the individual there and also the airport people. We will make that information...

Debates of , (day 21)

Mr. Speaker, we had committed, during the last session, that we would have a new driver's licence designed and out in the fiscal year 2006. We still stand by that. We, right now, are reviewing some of the samples that we're putting together, and we have a contractor or a consultant on stream that is working with us to do that, and we have the equipment that will allow us to start producing these drivers' licences once we finalize some of the detail on it. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 21)

I like the tone that this government has taken. I think they should be more aggressive. I think we have to go after these people and get what is rightfully ours, because he did say that we should be our own beneficiaries.

He also asked if we should invest millions in transportation infrastructure. I say yes we should invest in a highway down the Mackenzie Valley. We should go right up to Tuk. We have to…


We have to connect the whole NWT by road. Hopefully that will drive some of the prices down. I would be more than happy to back the Minister up in Cabinet on anything that they...

Debates of , (day 21)

Yes, thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we don't have the final detail of how the notification process will work if you have unpaid traffic violations or unpaid fines. We're expecting that if you go in to renew your driver's licence there will be a flagging on your file that will allow the officer to indicate to you that you have a violation or an unpaid fine. You would then have to go over to and clear up that fine with the Justice people. We don't have it laid out right now, but we're not expecting the Department of Transportation to be collecting fines and to be clearing up some...