Michael McLeod

Deh Cho

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 53)

Mr. Speaker, yesterday in our budgeting process we approved some money to extend the season. Our target date for the extension of the road is to the end of March. It will all be conditional on weather and it will be day by day. So if the weather cooperates, we should have the road stay open until the end of the month. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 52)

Mr. Speaker, I was not aware that there was a problem in the Dogrib region regarding land leases. We are, however, having some discussions with the Dogrib Treaty 11 Council along with the Government of Canada and Municipal and Community Affairs and Aboriginal Affairs to discuss and lay out a plan for the transition of land, land administration and how to deal with the elections and a number of other issues. We have an effective date of August 4th to work toward. However, I was not aware that there was a problem. There was an issue that was brought forward from the Member. I believe that...

Debates of , (day 52)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I said that I heard the number of 20 positions before and in my statement I kind of accounted for six of them. Where are the other 14? Are they here in Yellowknife?

Debates of , (day 52)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Many times I’ve given good statements without asking any questions. I’m not going to let that happen today.


I’d like to direct my questions to the Minister of RWED. Last week when I asked him a question he said he wasn’t entertaining the thought of moving any positions up to Inuvik. I’d like to ask him if he has shut the door completely.

Debates of , (day 52)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to report on an initiative being undertaken by the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. MACA and “G” division of the RCMP have been exploring options to more fully integrate each organization’s emergency management functions and enhance the effective overall response to emergencies.

Plans have been made for the operation of a common, integrated emergency operations centre, located in the “G” division headquarters to respond to security threats or natural disasters.

These discussions started after...

Debates of , (day 52)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, Ndilo submitted a request for extraordinary funding for planning and designing a new subdivision. They have a serious issue in the community regarding accessing some funding and also to develop new lots. We don’t have exact locations. At least I don’t have that information tonight. That is all I have at this point. I could commit to getting further information. At this point, the money is earmarked and identified for planning and design of a new subdivision.

Debates of , (day 52)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I don’t think there’s anybody more interested in seeing the winter bridging projects done on time and on budget than me. I certainly will do everything in my power and commit our department’s efforts to ensure that happens. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 52)

Moving that forward would increase the season by a number of weeks and we have to still remember that it’s classified as a winter road. The trucks that operate on this winter road still use chains; they are obligated to use chains. So it’s really going to need commitment from the federal government, and we commit to doing the lobbying on that front and, again, I guess the short answer would be to have the federal government commit to it and that’s where we’re at. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 52)

Mr. Speaker, we can deal with the specific issue if there is a particular person that needs attention. If that name could be brought to our attention, we can probably deal with that fairly quickly. The larger, broader issue of transition and how we’re going to see that process develop and unfold is something we’re working on. We have some meetings planned for this month and there are a number of issues that we have to develop, but we will place priority on ensuring the land transition is done in a smooth and effective manner and people can still access properties. Thank you.