Michael McLeod

Deh Cho

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 39)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, our implementation team has been meeting very regularly. They have done a lot of work. We are very confident that we are going to meet all of our target dates. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 39)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It is a concern, of course, of Municipal and Community Affairs. We’ve had numbers of complaints. We have an issue in the town of Tulita where the trucks go right through the centre of the community and we have looked at our legislation. At this point there is no current legislation requiring us to have a bypass road. We’d like to have bypass roads in the communities where there are hazardous materials transported. There is no requirement even through the Emergency Measures Act. However, there is a requirement to conduct a risk assessment and develop a response...

Debates of , (day 39)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thank you, Mr. Minister. Would the Minister, now that they have decided to build a new school, commit to consulting with the special interest groups in Inuvik, such as day care, to see if their needs can be incorporated into a new school?

Debates of , (day 39)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. There is no legislative requirement to route a special bypass road for hazardous material at this point. It makes good planning sense, I would assume. The responsibility would fall in the hands of the municipality. If that was the desire of the community to put in a special bypass road to re-route hazardous material, the municipality would have to pay for it. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 39)

I, too, Mr. Speaker, would like to recognize Mr. Tom Williams who is a former classmate of mine back in SAMS in 1971, I believe. Thank you.



Debates of , (day 39)

Mr. Speaker, that’s a very, in my opinion, hypothetical question. There is no detail provided to the Member, I don’t believe, on any plans for a housing development. Right now, the request has come to us to do some seismic work. There is an interest potentially for housing. We have not gone as far as deciding who will pay for what and deciding what our responsibilities are going to be in that area. If it is something the city approves, there will be a requirement for services. They will have to work with the city on that issue. Right now, there are costs for providing services in the...

Debates of , (day 39)

Mr. Speaker, it’s certainly a legitimate question, but I think I’ve answered it three times. There are no plans for an access road at this point. There is discussion. We’re going to do an assessment. The access road concept is not in the area that Deton'Cho has shown interest. It’s an area where their airport development plan has been identified and applied for. So it’s a different area. I don’t know how many times I’m going to say that, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 39)

Mr. Speaker, I think the Member has indicated that this road would go through the area that the Deton'Cho has applied for. Again, I have not seen an application from Deton'Cho Corporation or the Yellowknives Dene. Our plans are for an access road to the west side of the airport. The city has indicated their interest in the bypass road. We are having discussions and we have just recently seen the city’s development plan. We have recently concluded our development plan. We’re looking at combining and comparing them right now and this road does not -- once again -- does not go through the...

Debates of , (day 39)

Mr. Speaker, I guess there are two avenues where an aboriginal group such as the Yellowknives Dene can access land. There is the formal process of applying through the city, which would come to us for review. Depending if it is an application for lease or for fee-simple title, we would be dealing with it at the end of the day. There is the other process of the aboriginal groups that are in negotiations to come forward as part of their land identification to identify this area. However, that does not give them an automatic transfer. It would have to be an area that would have to be...

Debates of , (day 36)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the IMA refers to occupancy. This was a request that came in to do some early assessment. If the land is not suitable, the Yellowknives Dene informed us and are informing the City of Yellowknife that they will move away from that project. However, there are a number of other sites that the Yellowknives Dene are interested in, and the City of Yellowknife is looking at acquiring more land for the growth of the city. So we have to have a system that’s put in place. In my own judgment, I made the call that we should issue a permission to occupy. There is no...