Michael Miltenberger


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 30)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I am here to present Bill 11, Financial Administration and Public Agency Statutes (Borrowing Provisions) Amendment Act.

This bill amends the Financial Administration Act as well as statutes respecting five public agencies to ensure the Financial Management Board has the authority to manage and control the activities of government and public agencies that constitute borrowing for the purposes of the Northwest Territories Borrowing Limits Regulations made under the Northwest Territories Act (Canada).

That completes the remarks that I have and I will be pleased to answer any...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 30)

I wish to table the following document, entitled “Framework for Action 2012-2016.” Thank you.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 30)

Yes, Mr. Chairman.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 30)

Mr. Speaker, I give notice that on June 6, 2013, I will move that Bill 25, Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 2, 2013-2014, be read for the first time.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 29)

Mr. Speaker, the government is hard at work, along with working with community members, on the whole issue to do with fracking. We have been doing work now for the last six months or so. We have come up with a draft. It is a best practices policy paper which is being shared within governments and is being shared with the regulators. It is going to come back and be shared with committee. It identifies a lot of the critical best practices across industry. We believe that if they are complied with and they are clear, unequivocal and understandable, we will be able to manage and protect the...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 29)

Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Yellowknife South, that Bill 23, Supplementary Appropriation (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 2, 2013-2014, be read for the third time.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 29)

Mr. Chair, one of the biggest numbers, of course, is we are carrying over money because we did hit some delays last year with the process. We anticipated that we would be farther along at that point and we weren’t, so we carried over that amount of money. We’ve been doing an enormous amount of work with the federal government, trying to get the numbers as they pertain to all the different budgets, all the positions here and in Ottawa, the legislative requirements, doing the work on the negotiations on waste sites. There has been an enormous amount of work done there, trying to first make sure...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 29)

Mr. Chair, there are capital upgrades of $380,000. The annual ongoing operation costs are estimated at $1.377 million plus $20,000 of one-time operation expenditures for training costs in 2013-14. Thank you.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 29)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I have with me Mr. Mike Aumond, deputy minister of Finance, and Mr. Olin Lovely, director of budgeting and evaluation, Department of Finance. Thank you.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 29)

Mr. Chair, the intent is to carry on with the work and get it done as soon as possible. They have another school year coming up in the fall. The anticipation is they’d like to have this system functional by then. I would point out one of the other purposes of the student information system of course is tied to the funding for DEAs and DECs which is based on enrolment as of October. The plan would be to get it done and hopefully to be up and ready by the upcoming school year in September.