Michael Miltenberger


Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 52)

Madam Chair, we do have a contract and we do have in there clauses that allow for cost increases for things like the forced growth items that we experience as well. We negotiate a cost and we’ve changed how we negotiate. I believe it’s a five-year term, but I’ll have to double-check that. I know it has clauses built in that reflect the increased cost of business. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 52)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, it’s too early for us to determine the success but, yes, the instruction has been issued already. The processes are in place with the authorities in terms of referrals. We have it set up where they work through Stanton. So the medevacs and medical travel are coordinated. We’ve taken the steps and we’re monitoring, of course, the usage and the cost. I’ll be able to report to committee, probably in the fall when we come back to start reviewing business plans, where we are and what the numbers are telling us.

Debates of , (day 52)

Thank you, Madam Chairperson. I would be happy to provide Social Programs with the background work that led us to this position.

Debates of , (day 51)

Mr. Speaker, as the Member indicated in his statement, this piece of legislation is about 17 years old. It does have gaps. It’s not on the legislative agenda for this Assembly at this point, but it is a piece of legislation that is on our list, but we have other more pressing ones like the Pharmacy Act and the Public Health Act, which are very, very old. Generations old. They’re seriously out of date and we’re working on them. As well as the Personal Directives Act, the Tobacco Act that is coming forward, and there’s a piece from the child and family services as well that’s coming forward, Mr...

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, there is currently a collective bargaining process underway that includes the social workers, and the issue of compensation will be dealt with directly through that process. If there are classification issues, then there are processes to look at that as well. Very clearly, we are interested in having a profession that is attractive, that has a good package of compensation and enumeration and we are going to look at all aspects, the same as we did for the allied health professionals, to make sure that we are competitive and that we have our classes filled...

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I was following up on this issue because it is an important issue and not just for the sake of a conversation with a bunch of people that I know are good conversationalists. This is a serious issue. I have laid out a fairly extensive list of contacts. The president of the Social Workers’ Association is also the chairman of the department for the social services program has already had meetings with the college administration to try to look at what issues are there that may be prohibiting or impeding the success of this program at the college level.


Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in the last Assembly that was an issue that was raised as well, and there was work done to look at whether that would be practical. Given the fact that there are a significant number of health programs, for example, that pertain specifically to seniors, and at the same time there are another number of related issues that are often covered off through MACA or Education, what is being done, Mr. Speaker, is that when we look at consolidating the income support and subsidy programs, which includes all the programs outside of health that benefit seniors with...

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, currently I am the Minister responsible for Seniors, which gives a focal point to the issues related to seniors. We have a strong working relationship and a funding arrangement with the territorial Seniors’ Association. We have in place the pieces we need. We also have a very close working relationship with all the authorities and the boards within the regions that work on mainly seniors’ issues. We have processes in place to do that. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I’ll commit to investigate the Member’s concerns. I’ve seen some of the documentation he’s pulled together, keeping in mind that we have a capacity issue in terms of how much legislation we’re able to do in a given period of time. But I will commit to look at that. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, like every problem area that we do have, there are more problems than there are resources. The people who are on hand to do the work are coping. We do have funding available for another psychiatrist, but have yet to be successful in recruiting. Are there problems that could be better served? Probably, but we have a significant number of resources on the ground, in the communities, mental health workers, community wellness workers, in addition to the nurses and doctors and psychiatrists here, and some psychologists and counsellors. Thank you.