Michael Miltenberger


Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 36)

Mr. Speaker, I’ll just focus on reiterating one of the points that I raised, and that is that we are trying to come up with a blend at the clinic with the level of nurse practitioners, nurses and doctors that will help alleviate some of the waiting times and make access by patients to see the necessary medical people easier. We have a document in the works that will soon be coming forward through Cabinet and, hopefully, in the not-too-distant future to the Social Programs committee for discussion, that looks at how the hospitals and health centres are operating right now and some plans for...

Debates of , (day 36)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we have a Collective Agreement with the Medical Association that’s going to carry us into 2007-2008, but if I could just quickly reiterate some of the points that I gave in my last answer. We are looking at how emergency is currently structured, and the Member is correct, that it is estimated that anywhere from 40 to 50 percent of the people at emergency aren’t really emergency patients; they could be seen in other areas such as in a clinic or by nurse practitioners. So we’re looking at that and there’s money in the budget for the renovation of Stanton, as...

Debates of , (day 36)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, clearly, in my mind, it is not because of lack of effort or lack of resources on behalf of the Government of the Northwest Territories. There has been a significant amount of resources identified for this, in spite of concern in some quarters that we are just setting up another level of government. We have positions identified. We have had trouble staffing them. There has been some difficulty in getting a clear indication or signals from the leadership in terms of establishing of the board itself. We continue to operate with the public administrator....

Debates of , (day 36)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Government of the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services remains unwavering in its commitment to work with the people in the Sahtu to establish their authority. We filled eight of the 14 positions that were identified in the Sahtu for administration and running of the health authority. Unfortunately, there has been an underwhelming response in terms of the actual structure and setting up of the board itself. That is a challenge yet to be met and dealt with, but we are continuing to work with the region. In the meantime, there are still...

Debates of , (day 36)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the department over in Centre Square is working with the Yellowknife Health and Social Services Authority. Those are two major players in the health and social services system. The board is responsible for services in Yellowknife, and the Department of Health and Social Services, which has oversight and responsibility territorial-wide, is working with the SideDoor. They are there in good faith and they are there to try to work with that operation to see if they can establish a program for youth on the weekends. So I think the fact that they are at the...

Debates of , (day 36)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, there is a facility in town called the SideDoor that has been providing services to youth, and it’s my understanding that the department and authority are working with the SideDoor to look at a weekend program for youth that will help address that issue. They have targeted the weekend nights as the most important time for that service. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 36)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we have, as I’ve indicated, a number of initiatives underway that are going to address the quality of care and access issues in Yellowknife. With regard to the Member’s assertion that he’s heard this rumour, I’m not in a position in this House to speak to that rumour. I have not heard that. I know what arrangements we do have with the doctors and I do know all the many plans we have underway to address the quality of care in Yellowknife. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 35)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. If the Member will provide me with the specifics, we’ll make every effort to ensure that this doesn’t happen again and that we can ensure pain-free travel for our constituents. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 35)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I can appreciate the Member’s concern for his constituents. I want to assure him that the system is designed to try and provide as painless a process as possible for people to travel in time of need. If the Member would be willing to share with me outside of this House the specifics of the cases he mentioned in this House, I’d be happy to check on those with him and on his behalf so we can ensure that we can address some of the concerns that he raised. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 35)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the constructive use for that facility is on the government agenda. As I have discussed with the Member, if there is a clear understanding in the Sahtu region, for example, that there would be political support for one regional care centre, then that would go a long way to assist in making it clear for the government on what the wishes of the people in the Sahtu are. If every community in the Sahtu is going to be wishing or demanding or asking for a long-term care facility, then it will be a very difficult circumstance. Those are the circumstances at...