Michael Nadli
Statements in Debates
My elders are seeking reassurances. My second question to the Minister is: can the Minister provide an update on the piloting of elder abuse screening tools in territorial seniors' programs and, also, in particular communities?
Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, a quick scan of headlines in recent years provides a startling snapshot of the growing problem of elder abuse in our communities. A 2010 report found that up to three-quarters of all elder abuse in the territory was financial abuse, ranging from pressure to make purchases to cover family members' expenses to direct theft of cash or debit and credit cards. In 2011, we heard a call for improved data tracking that we might better understand the scope of the problem. In 2015, a new report confirmed that financial abuse and neglect continued as sources of elders'...
The Minister clearly states that the action of the government is evolving, and again, elders seek reassurance. If there are indeed screening tools within the strategy and the department is employing those, what are the next steps for those who have flagged the abuse and for the elders themselves in terms of the screening tools that are employed by the department?
Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, earlier I spoke about elder abuse in communities, and two years ago this government developed a strategy. My question is to the Minister of Health and Social Services. What actions has the department taken in the last year to act on the recommendation and needs outlined in the strategy, creating safe communities for older adults? Mahsi.
Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to recognize Lois Philipp of Fort Providence, who has been very instrumental in getting students to get involved with Northern Youth Abroad, so I would just like to welcome her. Mahsi.
Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. September 30th has been declared Orange Shirt Day. It has become an annual opportunity to recognize the survivors of residential schools, to acknowledge the harm the residential school system did to children's self-esteem and wellbeing, and to affirm our commitment to ensure that every child matters. Orange Shirt Day began in 2013 with the events organized by Chief Fred Robbins of Alkali Lake, BC, to recognize the residential school experience and to witness and honour the healing journey of the survivors and their families.
One of these survivors is Phyllis Webstad, who...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my last question is in terms of maybe the idea of a facilitator, but we do also have a joint working group between Cabinet and the Regular side. Of course, on the Regular side, we have a vested interest. We all have a vested interest in ensuring that the negotiations and the parties move forward. However, we have a joint working group. Would the Premier contemplate the idea of perhaps having the Joint Working Group on Aboriginal Affairs have an active role in terms of trying to encourage and support the negotiations process moving forward?
I believe in 2001, as well, this government signed the Interim Measures Agreement and also the framework agreement that recognizes the role of the GNWT, the federal government, and the Dehcho First Nations in the current negotiations process. How is the GNWT planning to help move the negotiations forward in respect of the Dehcho Process?
Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. One of the highlights of my summer was participating in summer assemblies, enjoying good food, the company of friends, and cultural activities. This summer, I attended the Dehcho First Nations Annual Assembly in Fort Providence, and the 47th Annual Dene Nation Assembly on the Hay River Reserve.
As always, the assemblies provide an opportunity for Dene people to come together and talk about the issues that affect us. A common theme running through the discussions this year was Treaties 8 and 11 of 1899 and 1921 respectively, and how they are being interpreted in modern land...
The question I would like to ask is: is the GNWT willing to accept the advice of DFN to engage the services of a mediator at the negotiating table? If not, why not?