Norman Yakeleya
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Madam Chair. The Minister of Finance and the Minister of MACA have talked about the New Deal. I just want to get a little bit less confused. The Minister of Finance said it’s under review and the Minister of MACA said they had the review. Can I get some clarification? Is the New Deal under review, done, analyzed, or is it still under review? …(inaudible)…
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to ask the Minister of ENR, I believe it’s the Minister for handling the hazards of contaminated sites, if they have done some work around the Deline water treatment plant. I’ve been told by the leadership that they cleaned up certain specific parcels around the new water treatment plant; however, they have not yet cleaned up other areas around that water treatment plant that are contaminated. Has that work been done?
The people from Deline hearing this will be very pleased with what the Minister is saying is coming into the school.
They have also talked about the roof as being paper thin and leaking. They are scared, because all the children are being sent there, and the safety and integrity of the school... The school is built over a riverbed; the riverbed is underneath the school. The elders have told them, don’t build a school here. However, the government of the day refused to listen at the time and that’s where they built the school. That’s why the elders are saying that in partnership we need to have...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is to the Minister of Public Works. I want to talk about ?ehtseo Ayha School and I know Public Works does the maintenance of that school and does some work there. My questions are going to be directed to him.
I want to ask the Minister, the leadership this morning spoke to me from Deline and they said the school pilings underneath the school… They weren’t too sure what the status was on it. Is it sinking? Is it being fixed? They were very concerned because of the number of children that are going to school and the parents that are sending their kids to this...
Thank you very much, Mr. Minister. I’d like to also ask if, once the review has been sort of put together by your department and packaged up, the review will be shared with the Ministers within the sitting of this House here that we could see the review of the report that’s been completed.
Just to ask the Minister, this New Deal, I mean, on the review, is it a review for under ourselves as the government, or is it something that we’re going to use to make some arguments to the federal government? I understand from the Finance Minister that this is a process that’s under review, and then I’m hearing from the Minister of MACA that the review is done. I just need some clarification, that’s all.
Thank you, Madam Chair. The fiscal situation in our budget is we have been going through this, I should say I have been here for a bit and we’ve been going through this and all our needs in our communities are very high. We only have a certain amount of money and we need to look at each capital infrastructure in here. We did have a good run at it when the federal government put the federal stimulus money into our communities.
I want to, through the details, ask the Minister what type of initiatives that could look at a partnership with the communities either in bridge work or some of the...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Would the department look at a comparison if the community would like a new school versus a major upgrade, which at this time makes more sense as to the community coming to a partnership maybe and looking at a new school or, rather, doing the major upgrade? I know the community really does want to look at a new school and I know the financial restrictions that we have. Can the department be open to looking at a partnership if they want to look at a new school for Deline?
That’s good news for the people in Deline, because they were complaining that nobody from PWS has actually talked to the leadership and said, this is the status of your pilings.
I want to ask the Minister if this is something that Public Works has neglected, or if it is something that they are looking to see that they need to talk to the communities on these projects.
I do appreciate the Minister taking the lead on another subject, fixing those toilets up in Colville Lake. The community of Deline wanted to know why Public Works hasn’t talked to them on these pilings. For them it’s still an...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This morning I met with the leadership of Deline. They want to work with this government. They understand the tight fiscal restraints and limitations we are under, and also that there are a certain amount of projects that can be done in this government.
Over the last Assemblies I have heard from many Members from this side of the House who have very good ideas how to work on some of the projects in their community. Sometimes we wonder if the government on this side is listening because we’ve passed information to them and somehow it gets lost or we get resistance. We can...