Norman Yakeleya


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 4th Session (day 36)

I’ve got a cold here, Mr. Chairman. I want to comment on the initiative that the Housing Corporation’s going to pursue on the housing rent initiatives. Certainly we look forward to it in our communities.

I wanted to say that this is a longstanding issue. For many years they talked about the whole process of the rents. It has an impact on our relationship with the federal government and their way of doing business. I want to just encourage the Minister and his staff to see if they would be able to speed up the process. I know it takes some time to go through the transition; however, if they...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 4th Session (day 36)

I’ve been raising this issue for a number of years until I’m green in the face. There is some movement in this government here. I will be talking to the federal government and I’ll be talking to them until I’m blue in the face. However, I want to deal with this one here, Mr. Speaker. In terms of the process, the Minister said he’ll deal with the process, but I want to know the significance and what will happen. Is that going to be a time when this government is going to do something in terms of Deline being the place where hockey was played in the Northwest Territories? I want to let the...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 4th Session (day 36)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to ask the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment... In the News/North newspaper last Monday it talked about a designation of territorial historical sites or events and in there it has Deline as a place of a significant event. I want to ask the Minister, in terms of the significance of this place being named as an historical site or event in the Northwest Territories, can the Minister explain to me the significance of this announcement.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 4th Session (day 34)

The health care services to Colville Lake by the Sahtu Health Board, mainly the community of Fort Good Hope, has provided an increase of health care into Colville Lake. I spoke to the health representatives and they are happy they are seeing more regular visits by the nurse. Also they made mention that they would like to see more training for an additional position, because it gets quite heavy in terms of their responsibility as a health care professional. Would the Minister look at program funding in terms of having an additional person in Colville Lake to help out and offset health care...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 4th Session (day 34)

Thank you. The question I have, Mr. Speaker, is to the Minister of Health and Social Services with regard to the issue of nurses in small communities. Can the Minister tell the House how many communities do not have a full-time nurse?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 4th Session (day 34)

I’m getting hungry now here. I want to ask the Minister in terms of his development, his process in terms of developing local markets for, say for example, fish, in terms of once the budget now is going to be, hopefully, finalized within the next six days here, in terms of going forward, is the Minister then prepared to put a discussion paper before the appropriate community in terms of getting their input, in terms of having this initiative see the light of day in terms of when we can get something on the go here.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 4th Session (day 34)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my questions are to the Minister of ITI. Just to listen to him, he’s a big fan of strategies and visions. I want to ask the Minister here in terms of getting -- I’m going to back to it -- wildlife food into our government facilities or into stores. Right now we have a fish market here. We have good fish in the Great Slave Lake and Bear Lake. How can the Minister, through his department, assist the fishery industry to put fish into our government institutions such as the hospital where they can have traditional foods in that facility?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 4th Session (day 34)

Mr. Speaker, as I said in my statement, we have a high population of youth, young people under 25. It’s actually 45 percent of our population in the Sahtu that needs some attention. I want to ask the Minister in terms of helping the students in our regions, in our communities, to help them get into Aurora College programs in our communities under the Apprenticeship Training Program and working with them in terms of putting this Labour Market Agreement together so they could see people be productive members of society and to their communities.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 4th Session (day 34)

(Inaudible)…Culture and Employment, Mr. Speaker. In the goals of the department here, on goal five it says “Northerners will actively participate in communities and societies to their fullest.” Then later on in the binder it talks about the different opportunities that the department is going to initiate throughout 2010-11. Mr. Speaker, I wanted to ask the Minister in terms of the programs and training, as I spoke in my Member’s statement, in terms of training of young people. Can the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment tell me what’s been done to prepare and implement training...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 4th Session (day 34)

The community of Colville Lake has community health representatives. It’s not a health centre; it’s a nursing station. These good dedicated people work throughout the year. They have needed some training to just do the basic health care services in Colville Lake. I want to ask the Minister as to the level of comfort... As Mrs. Groenewegen has indicated, when people know there is a nurse in the community, there is some level of comfort for people. The people in Colville Lake are also trained throughout the year. Regarding training our community health representatives that don’t have a full-time...