Norman Yakeleya
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. That’s not what I want to hear. Maybe I’m asking the wrong way. What I’m asking for is when there’s a significant event or site recognized in the Northwest Territories, there is some kind of celebration, recognition, there’s funds, there’s stuff going to that event. Just like when they had the paving of the highway here, the last kilometre was paved, they had a big celebration. So I’m asking about that in regards to Deline. After feedback, after the process, what is this government going to do to signify if this is an event that is going to be supported by this...
Mr. Speaker, I asked the Minister, in terms of after the feedback on March 3rd, what’s the process, what will happen after that process. And I want to ask him again: what’s the significance of this piece of information that’s been in the paper, in terms of Deline, in terms of resources, funding and recognition? What’s the significance?
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I recently was informed that the community of Deline has been designated as a territorial historical site. In honour of that I’ve come up with a Sahtu hockey song that was written by Stompin’ Tom Connor. I won’t be able to sing, Mr. Speaker, but I’ll do my best.
Hello there, we’re on the air, it’s hockey night tonight. There’s confusion here, confusion there, so I’m here to set things right. On Grey Goose Lake, the snow was late, and the ice was smooth and clear. Someone roared, “Sir John scored,” the first hockey game was here.
Here’s the chorus here: Oh...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Minister is asking if I can assist. I can certainly do that, Mr. Speaker, in terms of going forward with putting programs in place for young people. I can do this through the request from myself in terms of also the leader from Fort Good Hope in terms of having a Sahtu education symposium where part of this discussion can be on the agenda in terms of going forward, and actually have other leaders to assist to make sure we get training on the ground for the people in the Sahtu.
Mr. Speaker, the Minister did talk about the Labour Market Agreement. Also in the binder that I’ve been reading, the department is going to be developing a new framework, multi-year annual plans and program guidelines. I want to ask the Minister in terms of this initiative going forward in terms of involving the people in the Sahtu. Would he involve the people in the Sahtu in terms of going forward to have training programs in place, implemented and ready to go within the life of this government for the young people in the Sahtu region?
Mr. Speaker, in the Sahtu region we have many young people under the age of 25 years old. As a matter of fact, Mr. Speaker, 45 percent of the entire population of the Sahtu is under 25 years old. That’s an amazing fact, Mr. Speaker.
We need to develop and implement a solid plan for training so that our young people get the best training for the future. Our young people are eagerly waiting to contribute to our communities and to the North. Many young people are making their best efforts to participate in upgrading and employment training programs, and we need to have a regional training centre...
The health care services to Colville Lake by the Sahtu Health Board, mainly the community of Fort Good Hope, has provided an increase of health care into Colville Lake. I spoke to the health representatives and they are happy they are seeing more regular visits by the nurse. Also they made mention that they would like to see more training for an additional position, because it gets quite heavy in terms of their responsibility as a health care professional. Would the Minister look at program funding in terms of having an additional person in Colville Lake to help out and offset health care...
Thank you. The question I have, Mr. Speaker, is to the Minister of Health and Social Services with regard to the issue of nurses in small communities. Can the Minister tell the House how many communities do not have a full-time nurse?
I’m getting hungry now here. I want to ask the Minister in terms of his development, his process in terms of developing local markets for, say for example, fish, in terms of once the budget now is going to be, hopefully, finalized within the next six days here, in terms of going forward, is the Minister then prepared to put a discussion paper before the appropriate community in terms of getting their input, in terms of having this initiative see the light of day in terms of when we can get something on the go here.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my questions are to the Minister of ITI. Just to listen to him, he’s a big fan of strategies and visions. I want to ask the Minister here in terms of getting -- I’m going to back to it -- wildlife food into our government facilities or into stores. Right now we have a fish market here. We have good fish in the Great Slave Lake and Bear Lake. How can the Minister, through his department, assist the fishery industry to put fish into our government institutions such as the hospital where they can have traditional foods in that facility?