Norman Yakeleya


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 44)

In my understanding of the contaminated areas, releasing the lands to our government or to the aboriginal governments is going to be quite a contentious issue with DIAND because of the amount of garbage that was left on the trail by the U.S. government and the federal government when they built that road to the Yukon. That’s going to cost a lot of money for somebody to clean up, just like the Giant Mine here. Somebody’s got to take ownership and do it.

Does the territorial government want to hold the liability for the millions of dollars that’s going to clean up the CANOL Trail? The Minister’s...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. The Minister’s response in terms of likely having Bear River implemented in the life of this government because of the funding source…. I’m really disheartened to hear from the government in terms of the people of Sahtu that the Bear River Bridge project is on again, off again, on again.

The government thought they could build a bridge for $25 million at the time. When they came in, they came in at over $40 million. I think $25 million was not a very accurate number. Then they looked at de-scoping the project to get it off the bridge funding agreement. They went through...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 44)

Mr. Chair, the question I have is on the follow-up to Mr. Krutko’s question to the Minister in terms of the Building Canada Fund. I have a little file here that I have on the Great Bear River Bridge project being delayed, deferred, cancelled, postponed until further funding.

I’d just like to ask the Minister: when can the people in the Sahtu look at a bridge like this? They don’t know what to think, since this bridge has been on the books for a long time. They’re anxious to hear what the government is planning to do in terms of putting this bridge in place. If it does get in place, for us it...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 44)

We’ve been hearing “very shortly” for a bit here. I’m not too sure what the definition of the deputy’s “very shortly” is in terms of the time frame. Can we look at something in terms of having the commitment that this bridge will be done and finished? It’s sitting high and dry with no approaches. My people want to know when this bridge will be completed. It’s sitting there. It’s an embarrassment for the government. When will this bridge be done? You have the dollars. I’d like to ask the deputy to expand a little more on this “very shortly” answer.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to ask several questions about the department here. The first has to do with the safety of the winter roads in terms of the region I represent, Sahtu region.

The winter roads have seen an increase in traffic and activity. We also have seen a number of projects happen that would improve and enhance the quality of our roads. I would like to see if there are going to be continued road safety signs; realigning the roads from the curbs, from the hills; and what this department proposes to do with the amount of traffic. We saw last year in Sahtu heavy equipment passing...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 44)

Is our DPW building included in this decrepitude? It’s also in desperate need of replacement. These are the Minister’s words, how he describes buildings in some of our small communities. That’s a good word to use for some of our facilities in our communities. I want to thank the Minister for explaining to me what the government is looking at in terms of this project being on the books.

I also want to echo Mr. Jacobson that some of our own buildings, even in our small communities, don’t seem to get much high priority in terms of fixing up our facilities here. I understand about Inuvik, and I...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 44)

Mr. Chair, the unsolicited discussions that you’ve termed this way, the discussions with these people…. Have there been serious discussions with the private people saying, “We know the amount; can we sit down and have some further discussions to come to an agreement we can live by in terms of providing this type of service to the government?” Has that been discussed further in terms of seriously looking at the request you have in here in PWS?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 44)

Mr. Chair, just before I close, I had somewhat of a brief discussion last summer with a representative from the Department of Indian Affairs, when they were doing the assessments at mile 70. Two people from my community came with me. There was a rough estimate of what it will cost to clean up the CANOL Trail. The trick is how do you get into the CANOL Trail.

That’s what my people want — to have some involvement. We talk about having some cleanup. What are we talking about? What is it that people are involved in? Brush cutting? Cleaning up the wire? How do you pick up the old, old vehicles, old...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. The Doi T’oh Canyon territorial park, I would like to ask the Minister his plans for infrastructure on that.

I heard the Minister of ITI talk about some of the challenges with the federal government in terms of land ownership, cleaning up that park. That proposed park certainly has some interest by the people in the Tu Nedhe district in terms of ownership through our land claims. However, we don’t want to take over a garbage dump, as the trail is being known as, because of the contaminated soil, drums. Everything needs to be cleaned up before we take over that park.


Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 44)

I appreciate the Minister’s response of not losing sight — it might be a little foggy right now — of how you get this bridge in place. but, Mr. Chairman, I am looking at it in terms of the amount of investment that could and should continue to go into the Sahtu region.

I have these bridges in place. We know the bridges are being built in the Sahtu region, because we drive by them and we see them. We certainly appreciate them. When the bridge isn’t put at Tulita to connect to Norman Wells, we know the amount of time for the local contractors, the local businesses…. Each day they lose thousands...