Norman Yakeleya


Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 53)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to ask the Minister of MACA to tell me whether or not any of the new money like the municipal rural infrastructure fund or the gas tax money from the federal government can be used to speed up the process by which communities in the Sahtu are getting their roads chipsealed. Or if this money cannot be used directly for chipsealing, maybe it will free up some other money that can be used to advance the chipsealing schedule for the Sahtu. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 53)

Then I’ll clean up the contaminated mountain in Tulita while I’m at it too, because that would be cool.

Mr. Speaker, if I had a billion dollars, I’d build a Mackenzie Valley office in the Sahtu. Cabinet could help with Inuvik too.

But if I had a billion dollars, I’d fund the treatment centres so we can all get well and if we could learn to build it ourselves, wouldn’t that be swell.

Mr. Speaker, if I had a billion dollars, I’d get energy from the Bear, no more diesel generators, hydro is the way to go.

Debates of , (day 53)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I previously spoke about the concerns for the health of my constituents and the adverse effects that dust in our communities has on the elders and other people. Can the Minister of MACA confirm that the chipsealing program in the Sahtu will continue and that it’s on track and on time? I’m concerned, Mr. Speaker, because I heard that MACA may discontinue this program after they have chipsealed Fort Good Hope. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 52)

Madam Chair, this land development staging site, I take it that other groups have been involved. Is Enterprise in the area in terms of going through some land claims settlement in the area that’s being developed? That’s a lot of area for a staging site. I want to ask that to the Minister. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 52)

Thank you, Madam Chair. I hope we have some short change on this because if we tie that water truck to the community in Wrigley and not let it go anywhere if the contract ever does expire with the community. On the other one is the Enterprise Settlement Corporation which has $50,000 on their line item. Can the Minister explain what that $50,000 is about?

Debates of , (day 52)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are for the Minister of Justice.

Given the lack of support for the construction of a $42 million courthouse and concern that cost overruns, like those experienced with the construction of the North Slave Correctional Centre, could the Minister provide detail on how the $42 million figure was arrived at?

The Minister has indicated that the Department of Justice has paid for and will have to pay for additional court space in the future. Can the Minister provide detail on the costs for additional court space for the last five years and the projected costs...

Debates of , (day 52)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Surely the Minister could estimate in terms of the type of situation in the village of Fort Simpson to the other communities in the Northwest Territories that may be expiring on their water licence that could possibly be asked to provide some additional equipment to their water treatment plant, I suppose, so we could at least have some type of indication that we could be coming back for more supplementaries. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 52)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I want to say I’m appreciative and the people of the Sahtu appreciate the amount of dollars that have gone into the winter road. With the announcement that came out on the 18th of January of this year with the Minister and the federal Minister in terms of Corridors for Canada, Mr. Speaker, I wanted to ask the Minister that last time they took $1 million out of our winter bridging project and I’m looking for some kind of commitment from this Minister that he won’t cut back this program any further. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 52)

Madam Chair, the Village of Fort Simpson has a number of $42,000. Can the Minister explain to me in terms of where this $42,000 is coming from?