Paul Delorey

Hay River North

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 3)

Good afternoon, colleagues. Welcome back to the Chamber for the continuation of the sixth and final session of the 15th Legislative Assembly.

I know you are all eager to get started in this, our next to last sitting, but I would like to take a few moments to acknowledge some special events in our Legislature since we last met.

I was very pleased last week to hold the 8th Annual Youth Parliament of the Northwest Territories. Nineteen high school students from each electoral district in the Northwest Territories participated and received a first-hand look at the workings of our unique style of...

Debates of , (day 14)

Please be seated. Good afternoon, colleagues. Welcome back to the House. I would like to draw your attention to the sea of green in the gallery today. I asked the Sergeant-at-Arms to beef up security in here and I think he might have overdone it a bit.



I would like to draw your attention to the commander of Joint Task Force North Colonel Chris Whitecross.


And Captain Tom Tulloch, director of joint command and task programs for Canadian Forces College in Toronto.


And the future senior leadership of the Canadian Forces. They are here from across Canada...

Debates of , (day 4)

Colleagues, before we begin today, Nunavut recently lost a long-serving political figure when Jobie Nutarak, most recently the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut, was killed in a tragic snowmobile accident on April 22, 2006. Mr. Nutarak was hunting 400 kilometres from his hometown of Pond Inlet when he lost his life riding over rough terrain. Mr. Nutarak was the first confirmed Member of the Nunavut Legislative Assembly when it was first opened in 1999 representing the Tunnuniq riding. He was re-elected to the Assembly in 2004, and was acclaimed as Speaker of the 2nd Legislative...

Debates of , (day 21)

Good afternoon, colleagues. Welcome back to the House. I'd also like to welcome everybody that's in the gallery here to hear the budget address. Welcome to the House. Orders of the day. Budget address. The honourable Minister of Finance, Minister Roland.

Debates of , (day 20)

Good afternoon, colleagues. Welcome to the resumption of the Fourth Session of the 15th Legislative Assembly. Although it has been several months since we have met in formal session, I know that each of you has been working diligently in committee, Cabinet and in your constituencies during the extended adjournment. I would like to offer my personal best wishes to each of you and all the residents of the NWT for a happy and healthy new year. On behalf of the Legislative Assembly and all Members, I would also like to extend congratulations to the new Member of Parliament for the Western...

Debates of , (day 15)

Good morning, Members. Welcome back to the House. Members, before we begin today, my office has been informed by one of our colleagues, Mr. Pokiak, that he has lost one of his older sisters, Ms. Annie Noksana, who passed away quietly and peacefully in Tuktoyaktuk. I would like to pass on the House’s condolences to Mr. Pokiak and his family on the loss of his sister.

Debates of , (day 10)

Good morning, Members. Welcome back to the House. You may have noticed this morning that we had a bit of a change in our procession. I would like all Members to join me in welcoming our Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms, Derek Edjericon, into the House.


Debates of , (day 8)

Good afternoon, Members, and welcome back to the Chamber for the continuation of the Fourth Session of the 15th Legislative Assembly and to the capital from your busy summer schedules in your constituencies. Hopefully you were each able to fit in a bit of quality time with your loved ones over the past few months.

On behalf of all Members here in the House, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest colleague, the Member for Monfwi, Mr. Jackson Lafferty.


Also on behalf of all Members, I must also extend the Assembly’s congratulations to the Tlicho people who this summer saw...

Debates of , (day 2)

Members, for your information, the first hour-and-a-half of our session today will be interpreted in South Slavey.

Also, I would like to draw Members’ attention to the gallery today. There is a very enthusiastic group of teachers, parents and chaperones up there from Grade 6 classes from Hay River. Welcome to the Legislative Assembly. I hope you enjoy the proceedings.


Debates of , (day 52)

Good afternoon, colleagues. Before we go to orders of the day, Monday, March 14th, is Commonwealth Day. The second Monday in March is observed annually by all member nations of the Commonwealth to promote understanding about global issues, international cooperation and the work done by modern Commonwealth.

The theme of Commonwealth Day 2005 will be Education - Creating Opportunity, Realizing Potential. The theme reflects the Commonwealth’s commitment to education by promoting efforts to achieve universal primary education, eliminate gender disparities, improving quality in education, using...