Paul Delorey

Hay River North

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 43)

Good afternoon, colleagues. Item 2, Ministers’ statements. The honourable Minister responsible for the NWT Housing Corporation, Mr. Krutko.

Debates of , (day 36)

Good afternoon, Members. Before we begin, Members will notice we have hung the large Canadian flag in the Chamber today. This display is usually reserved for Canada Day, however today is both National Flag Day, as well as the 40th anniversary of the Canadian flag.


The search for the Canadian flag started as early as 1925 but never really got off the ground until 1964 when, out of 2,600 submitted designs, a specially struck Senate and House of Commons committee was left with three possible designs, including a red flag with a single, stylized red maple leaf on a white square with red...

Debates of , (day 34)

Good morning, colleagues.

Before we proceed to orders of the day, I must advise the House on a point of order that came to the Chair's attention late yesterday. Under the item petitions, Mrs. Groenewegen presented a package of a number of letters that do not meet the requirements of a petition under our rules, but which could, nevertheless, be tabled under item 14, tabling of documents. Therefore, Petition 2-15(3) is hereby withdrawn by order of the Speaker. Thank you for your attention.

Debates of , (day 33)

Good afternoon, colleagues. Welcome to all our guests in the gallery today. Item 2, budget address. The honourable Minister of Finance, Mr. Roland.

Debates of , (day 32)

Good afternoon, colleagues, and welcome back to the continuation of the Third Session of the 15th Legislative Assembly. Also a warm welcome to our visitors in the gallery. I trust that you all enjoyed the short break during the holiday season, a well-deserved break from the rigors of public life.

I would like to offer my personal best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year for you, your loved ones and all of your constituents. I would also like to extend a very warm welcome, on behalf of all Members of this House, to our newest Member, Mr. Robert McLeod.


Welcome, Mr. McLeod. On...

Debates of , (day 29)

Good afternoon, Members. Before we begin, I would like to draw your attention to the visitor’s gallery. I am pleased to recognize the district governor, Bruce Christensen and his wife, Cheryl, from Fort St. John, B.C.


With them is president Janet Robinson of the Yellowknife Rotary Club.


District Governor Bruce represents 53 rotary clubs in Western Canada: Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia; and two in the NWT: Yellowknife and Hay River. Rotary internationals are preparing to celebrate 100 years of community and international service by 1.2 million Rotarians in 166...

Debates of , (day 26)

Good morning, Members. Before I go on, I would like to take this opportunity to recognize and offer my collective thanks to the Pages who have been serving us so well in this House over the past two weeks. They are from Range Lake North School and Ecole St. Joseph School in Yellowknife. Thank you for a job well done and good luck in your studies for the rest of the year.


Debates of , (day 25)

Good afternoon, Members. Before we proceed at this time, I would like to provide my ruling on the Point of Order raised on Tuesday, October 19, 2004, by the Member for Hay River South, Mrs. Groenewegen.

Mrs. Groenewegen rose on a Point of Order during question period after a question and answer exchange between the Member for Sahtu, Mr. Yakeleya, and the Minister of Transportation, the Honourable Michael McLeod. Mrs. Groenewegen’s point is that the Minister, in responding to a question, was making reference to confidential proceedings in a standing committee and, in doing so, was inferring...

Debates of , (day 21)

I would like to draw your attention to special guests in the gallery this morning: the senior team for the Canada Seniors’ Games. Welcome to the Legislative Assembly.


Debates of , (day 19)

It is a pleasure to welcome you back to the Third Session of the 15th Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories. To our visitors in the gallery and to those of you following along on the Yellowknife CAT channel or later tonight on APTN, I offer you a very warm welcome. It has been an eventful summer and early fall. A recent announcement regarding the Mackenzie Valley pipeline and the federal government’s Throne speech have given us much food for thought. This ensures that lively dialogue will ensue. To assist the Members in maintaining their normal levels of decorum, I welcome our...