Robert Bouchard
Statements in Debates
I will now rise and report progress.
WHEREAS Section 21(1) of the Territorial Emblems and Honours Act provides for the creation of a Northwest Territories Honours Advisory Council to review nominations and recommend appointments to the Order of the Northwest Territories;
AND WHEREAS in June 2015 the following members were appointed to the Northwest Territories Honours Advisory Council;
Ms. Grace Blake of Tsiigehtchic;
Ms. Sabrina Broadhead of Hay River;
Mr. Paul Delorey of Hay River;
Mr. Danny Gaudet of Deline; and
Ms. Anne Peters of Yellowknife.
AND WHEREAS Section 23(1) of the Territorial Emblems and Honours Act provides that the...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It’s been four years since I got up here and I think I was nervous the first time. It’s been a steep learning curve. I’ve been learning lots as a first-time MLA.
I’d like to thank Jane for all the hard work.
Obviously, we like to thank our constituents for all their support, even those ones who challenge us. Those who challenge us make us work harder as MLAs to answer those hard questions, take those hard questions to the floor here, take them to our Cabinet. So, a big thank you to all of them.
I’d like to thank my constituency assistant, as well, Myrtle Graham, back in...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Your committee would like to report progress and, Mr. Speaker, I move that the report of Committee for the Whole be concurred with for the last time. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Members, I’ll call Committee of the Whole to order. What is the wish of the committee? Ms. Bisaro.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to recognize constituent Rick Groenewegen and his daughter, Jillian, obviously, and I’d like to thank Wendy again, recognize Wendy Morgan and Hay River resident Germaine Michel as well. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Moses. Mr. Minister, do you have witnesses you’d like to bring into the House?
Thank you, Mr. Nadli. Mr. Abernethy.
Thank you, committee. We’ll start with Bill 55, Mental Health Act. Committee has agreed to consider Bill 55, Mental Health Act. I’ll go to the Minister responsible for opening remarks. Mr. Abernethy.
Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Mr. Abernethy.