Robert Bouchard
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Mr. Bromley. Mr. Premier.
Mr. Speaker, my understanding was that they were going to do a study on the needs of the community. Being a regional centre, there would be a study seeing what the demands are for that type of facility and what the future requirements for that type of facility are. I’m just wondering if the Minister would get back to me on when that type of study would be completed.
Does committee agree?
Thank you, Mr. Premier. Deputy Minister Goldney.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise today to work with my colleagues on a micro theme on seniors. We know in the Northwest Territories that the population of the Northwest Territories is getting older and older and we are seeing a lot of forced expenses with that. We need to support our seniors whether they stay at home or whether they stay in facilities.
In this House over the last few years, you’ve heard us talking about the extended care beds in the H.H. Williams and the new health centre that’s going into Hay River and the fact that they’re not there. We’ve been able to get them in the budget...
Thank you, Mr. Premier. Thank you, witnesses. Please allow the witnesses to leave the Chamber.
Alright, committee, we have agreed to begin reviewing the NWT Housing Corporation. I will turn to the Minister of Housing for any opening comments.
Thank you, Mr. Premier. Next on my list I have Mr. Bromley.
Return to page 4-7. Department summary, operations expenditure summary, $9.195 million.
Thank you, Mr. Goldney. Mr. Nadli.
Agreed. Page 4-29, information item, work performed on behalf of others. Any questions.