Robert C. McLeod
Statements in Debates
Do you want to go through me to go to him?
Yes, thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, that’s correct. It can be used to help supplement the other capital programs. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, we had the one report done, and it identified a lot of issues that are still relevant today. I don’t really see the need to go out and do another report when we know it’s basically going to say the same thing that this one is saying. The numbers may have changed a bit, but, I mean, we’ll have a review of the report, and we can have a review of it with committee and, if we feel there’s a need, to go do another one. I think at the end of the day, we’ve had one report done. Why do another one when it’s going to tell us the same thing? Let’s just try and implement...
Yes, thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I can assure the Member that there will be no reductions. I think we have regional staff going into the Member’s community next week to work with the community. I just want to assure Members that our Premier has stated, I think before the NWTAC, that there was going to be no reductions to community funding. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Yes, thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, we’re currently working on an options paper and we will provide that to the Regular Members. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I have with me today to my left Mr. Tom Williams, the deputy minister of Municipal and Community Affairs. To my immediate right I have Ms. Eleanor Young who is the assistant deputy minister of Municipal and Community Affairs. To my far right I have Mr. Gary Schauerte who is our director of corporate services. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
I will refer that to Ms. Young. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, the Member is correct. Some of the feedback we got was the communications part of it. The Member is correct; it was to improve our access to the website and to enhance our consumer affairs. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
No, there is not, Mr. Chair. This is just money that we get from the federal government and this is the only place it would show up in. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Yes, thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, we did have a joint committee including all the departments that the Member referenced, and I think it was determined that it wasn’t legislated in any one of the departments, so that was part of the work that we did on the report and now we are hoping to try and address these issues. Thank you, Mr. Chair.