Robert C. McLeod

Inuvik Twin Lakes

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 79)

Mr. Speaker, today I am very proud to rise and recognize that two of our very own have been elected to Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame.

I am, of course, speaking about Sharon Firth and Shirley Firth-Larsson, who will become the first Northwest Territories residents to be inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame at a ceremony later this fall in Calgary.

Sharon and Shirley captivated the North and Canada from the late 1960s through the mid-1980s with their incredible sporting exploits. They first entered the national scene in 1968 when they won medals at the Canadian Junior Cross Country Ski...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 78)

We apparently budgeted $45 million to put into housing programs for this year. I think we’ve got about 45 new or replacement public housing units, and I will confirm that number and share it with the Members. Plus, I’ll also share the allocation.

The Housing Corporation, as the Member said, I think has seen a change in the last five years. We’ve tried to address a number of housing issues. We’re taking over the funding from ECE. I think we’re going to be able to access probably 55 more units in the capital, plus a number of the other programs in the capital that we support through contributions...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 78)

As far as the ones who have young children, I’m not quite sure of that. I do have the numbers for the people who are waiting for one-bedroom, two-bedroom, three-bedroom and that would give you a fairly good indication of the number of people that are in the family. But we recognize that our largest growing segment in the population are those with young families, so we’re going to take the direction that we put up a lot more family one-, two-bedroom, multiplex-type units across the Northwest Territories and I think that will address that particular issue.

I’ll get the numbers for the waiting...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 78)

We’ve taken a number of steps in the last little while to try and address some of the issues that the Member speaks of. We’ve had a number of vacant units in the communities. Through an Affordable Housing Initiative, we built a lot of these units on spec, assuming we were going to have the clients for them. Unfortunately, we overestimated the clients who might be eligible, so we turned a lot of those units into public housing units to try and address the public housing shortage.

The units that the Member speaks of, we’re just in the process now of... Those again were built trying to transition...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 78)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We have 894 people on the housing waiting list across the Northwest Territories. I’m not sure if we have them broken down as to those with disabilities or not, but I will find out and I will share the information with the Member. Thank you.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 77)

That’s one of the roles that our department plays now, is we work with the communities to help them with technical advice, financial advice if we have ways they can access the funding or use the funding, and any other advice that we can give them. We will work closely with the community.

I can say that I believe it was the community of Fort Smith that just finished a track that they used some of their capital money to build too. I haven’t seen it yet, but I understand it’s a fairly good track. The opportunities are there, and again, the communities will take advantage of those opportunities and...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 77)

Through a lot of our youth programs and that we have with our sporting partners across the Northwest Territories, they run a lot of clinics in the small communities. There are many different types of sporting clinics they have in the communities. Track may be one of them. I would have to confirm that. But there’s a lot of opportunity out there for those in the small communities who have a desire to get somebody in there to help them with some training. The opportunities are there. Thank you.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 77)

Again, all the money we give for capital infrastructure, we give to the communities and they make the decisions. As well, with the gas tax money. With some of the new Building Canada Plan money, if the project fits and that criteria fits, they would be able to use that too.

As far as identifying any other pots of money, we’ve been able to work very closely with our provincial and territorial colleagues in trying to access any extra monies that might be available. If there are any monies available from the federal government, we’ve become quite good at trying to access some of that money and...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 77)

[Microphone turned off] …on that, but I can tell the Member and all the Members that the communities, with their community public infrastructure money and with some changes to the gas tax money, are able to use some of those funds to identify infrastructure. Track would fit the criteria and they’d be able to make the decision to put a track in the community if that was their desire. Thank you.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 76)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I don’t believe it’s a homeownership obstacle course. There may be a time when it was, but I think we’ve streamlined the programs where it makes it fairly easy to navigate through.

There is a course, once somebody puts an application in, Solutions to Educate People. We call it the STEP course. During that course they would have some courses or some information on finances and how to budget and things like that. So, we try and assist them through the systems so they know exactly what they’re getting into and what’s required of them once they become homeowners. Thank you...