Robert C. McLeod

Inuvik Twin Lakes

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 6th Session (day 6)

I have made commitments in this House in the past that we would try and get to as many folks in the communities, especially seniors, that would like to put in applications. I’ve made commitments to also have someone come along and interpret some of the programs so they’re more understanding of the programs that we offer and they’re able to fill out the applications a lot more accurately with the help of an interpreter. I have made those commitments.

As far as going door to door, that would require a great deal of time and resources. We prefer that those who feel that they need some work done or...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 6th Session (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. We continue to have discussions as senior management on how we can allocate more funding into the home repair. There are opportunities to move some money around and put it into home repairs, and we’re always open to that because we do recognize, as the Member does, that we do need to have a fairly good investment into the home repair, so that would deal with a lot of the adequacy issues we face in some of the small communities.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 6th Session (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. A strong volunteer sector contributes directly to sustainable, vibrant and safe communities, one of the priorities of this Legislative Assembly. I would like to speak today about the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs’ work to support the volunteer sector in the Northwest Territories and about the importance of volunteers to our communities.

MACA offers a number of programs intended to support residents in their volunteer efforts. Through the Volunteer Organization Development Contribution Program, MACA provides cost-shared opportunities for volunteers to seek...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 6th Session (day 5)

I will commit to the Member that I’ll follow up on it, and if I need to, I will make all the LHOs aware of their responsibilities. I don’t think I’d be telling them anything new. I think they’re all well aware of their responsibilities.

Like I said, they’ve been doing this work for a long time. They know what they’re up against. I would like to speak to the Member and get the details of the issues of the cases that he’s raising so that I can follow up on them, because I wasn’t aware of this issue until the Member raised it in the House today.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 6th Session (day 5)

Our front-line workers at the LHOs have been doing what they do for a long time and they’re well aware of all the issues out there. Again, without knowing the particulars of the issue that the Member is raising, once I find out the particulars I will be able to follow up. I can assure him that all our front-line workers are well aware of their responsibilities and take them very seriously.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 6th Session (day 5)

Mr. Speaker, further to my Return to Written Question 4-16(6), I wish to table the following document entitled All Contracts for NWT Housing Corporation 2006-2011 for Aklavik, Fort McPherson and Tsiigehtchic. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 6th Session (day 5)

The Minister will show some leadership but the Minister has to know what he’s dealing with. Without knowing the particulars, again, I can follow up with it once I know the particulars.

I would mention that if tenants out there feel like they’re being discriminated against, there is a process to go through the Human Rights Commission if they feel like they’ve been discriminated against. They have that avenue. Again, I will commit to following up on the issue that the Member is saying because we do take it very seriously. We wouldn’t want to see anybody denied an application because of previous...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 6th Session (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’m unaware of the situation the Member speaks of. If we have cases where individuals are refused applications, I would like to know the details so I can follow up with it, because we wouldn’t condone that type of treatment to those that want to apply for public housing.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 6th Session (day 4)

Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Deh Cho, that Bill 7, Community Planning and Development Act, be read for the second time.

Mr. Speaker, this bill replaces the Planning Act for most municipal corporations in the Northwest Territories. It modernizes processes for community planning and development and for the subdivision of land. Consequential amendments are made to the Charter Communities Act, Cities, Towns and Villages Act, Condominium Act, Hamlets Act and Land Titles Act. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 6th Session (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Spring is just around the corner, though you’d never know it by looking outside. I’m sure if the groundhog came out today he’d probably freeze. With spring -- and my colleague for Nunakput mentioned it before -- the carnival seasons are starting up and it’s always an excellent time of year for folks in the Beaufort-Delta to gather and check out their new racing machines and check out their new dog teams and go up against each other. It’s always an excellent time for folks to get together. They have their old-time dances. It’s just a great time to celebrate.

Inuvik has...