Rocky Simpson
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Madam Chair. I just want to go and talk a bit about addictions recovery. In Hay River, you know, we know that we've had a number of people who have passed away due to overdoses, and then we've had some from the community who also passed away that they weren't in the community at the time. So we probably had at least ten. And it's you know, it's a big issue and it continues on because personally, like I've taken people to the health centre to, you know, to look for detox services. But, again, like the deputy minister said, there's no dedicated beds. You may not have a doctor or a...
Thank you, Madam Chair. I guess that was kind of my next question I guess was, you know, if we're not hiring doctors, are we saving money or is it an additional cost because we don't have doctors due to possibly, you know, sending people south or some other forms of healthcare services? Thank you.
Thank you, Madam Chair. I just want to confirm there, I guess on page 191, is that the health and social services authorities funding that 33,275, is that related to the Hay River Health and Social Services Authority?
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And I'm glad to hear that the you know, they have a program. And I think it's important that, you know, when we're looking at building homes in the North, and especially in the smaller communities, that we incorporate that into the build because it's just a you know, it's a minor upgrade to when they're putting the panels in. So would the Minister be willing to, you know for her department to offset some of those costs as well? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the line of questioning from my colleague from Nunakput kind of tweaked my interest. So I've got a question for the Minister responsible, either Infrastructure or NTPC. I would like to know ask the Minister what immediate electrical backup or supports is provided to residents in small communities where power could be out for long durations; you know, longer than a day? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the NTHSSA recruits positions for Hay River, and it is not working, as we continually see notices from HRHSSA confirming physician shortages which translate into fewer services.
Mr. Speaker, with respect to the HRHSSA, I ask the Minister if her department is willing to shift the responsibility of physician recruitment back to the HRHSSA? Failing that, then maybe, just maybe, it is time for this government to dig deep and come up with the required funds to integrate the HRHSSA into the NTHSSA and if that is what is needed to improve healthcare for Hay River...
Thank you, Madam Chair. I just want to talk about supported living. In Hay River, we have a facility there and it seems to, you know, work fairly well. And I think most of the people that are living there are pleased with it. Has an assessment or is it, I guess has an assessment been done in Hay River as to whether that facility needs expansion? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the HRHSSA uses locum physicians to deliver healthcare in the community. My understanding as to why locums are used is that they are a means to support continuity of service for their gaps in recruitment and retention or where permanent positions are not available. However, the use of locums has become the norm for Hay River; therefore, Mr. Speaker, I ask the Minister of health, has there been an assessment or a study completed to determine if there's a gap in the quality of healthcare delivered by locums versus that of permanent physicians? If so, will the...
Thank you, Madam Chair. And the two years I guess it's been in operation two years and I think you said you extended it for another year. What was the review criteria that was used, I guess, for the extension? Thank you.
Thank you, Madam Chair. And I apologize to the Minister, I might have embellished a bit there when I said good luck. So I apologize for that. But, you know, it is tough for, you know, people who are looking for detox when there are no dedicated beds. They are put in the health centre and they may they may or they may not be provided a bed. But they need that support, especially when they decide it's you know, they want to be there. And some of them will go in, I know, and they will maybe last a day and they'll get out again and go right back to what they were doing.
The other thing that I...