Rocky Simpson
Statements in Debates
Thank you, committee. Does the committee agree that this concludes consideration of Tabled Document 181-19(2), Capital Estimates 2021-2022?
Thank you, committee. We will now move onto the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The committee has previously considered the activity summaries for the department. We will return to the departmental summary on page 15. Are there any questions or comments from the committee? I see none. I will now call the departmental summary. Capital Estimates 2021-2022, Environment and Natural Resources, $2,159,000. Does the committee agree?
Thank you, committee. Does the committee agree that consideration of the Municipal and Community Affairs is completed?
Committee, we will start with the Department of Education, Culture and Employment. The committee has previously considered the activity summaries for the department. We will return to the departmental summary on page 10. Are there any questions or comments from the committee? I will now call the departmental summary. Capital Estimates 2021-2022, Education, Culture and Employment, $30,148,000. Does the committee agree?
Does the committee agree that consideration of the Department of Lands is completed?
Thank you, Mr. Norn. Committee, we will take a short break.
Does the committee agree that consideration of the Department of Justice is completed?
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Will the Minister of Finance confirm that all interviews conducted by the GNWT have Indigenous Aboriginal team members or at the minimum, are the team members provided training with respect to Indigenous Aboriginal culture to remove any bias and provide fairness? Thank you, Madam Speaker.
Does the committee agree that consideration of the Department of Infrastructure is completed?
I thank the Minister for that answer. Will the Minister of Finance confirm the model used by this government to recruit and interview potential Indigenous Aboriginal candidates for positions within the GNWT?