Rocky Simpson
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Madam Chair. I guess I just find it strange is that in other communities, you know, say for instance Hay River, I'll use as an example, we've got a day and night shelter there and I'm not sure, we're probably Housing, I think might be putting $350,000 into it. So if we're spending $2 million there, I'm not sure what we're spending here in Yellowknife as well, but are we getting, I guess, value for the dollars we're putting out, or do we only get value for the dollars we're putting out when we have NGOs looking after it versus government? Thank you.
Thank you, Madam Chair. One of the Members here, I think the other day, alluded to the housing corp being work for third parties to generate revenue. And I guess I have a I kind of have an issue with government competing against private sector. And we seen that, you know, with the RCMP units. And it's not just with this department. It's also with infrastructure and other ones as well. So is this going to be sort of a new way of doing business? Are you going to is the department going to go out there and start looking for opportunities that compete against private sector in the future and...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And I'm pleased to hear that there is support from, you know, people along the Mackenzie River. And, you know, when we see oil and gas return, it'll be great.
Can the Minister tell me who in Ottawa she met with to discuss harbour remediation for Hay River and what was the outcome? Were any commitments received from the federal government? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in some of these documents, such as the adjuster's confidential reports and the mitigation assessment reports, they contradict each other. You'll have one report that'll tell you this is what it costs. As an example, somebody was provided with $50,000 for remediation through the adjuster's confidential report. Through the mitigation assessment report, it says the building is nonrepairable and it cannot be lifted or raised up. So what we need is somebody in the community to actually, you know, take a look at those reports and those contradictions and figure...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, deadlines were established for structural assessments, mitigation consultation, and final disaster assistance claim.
Mr. Speaker, can the Minister confirm that these deadlines have been reviewed and will they be revised considering residents have unanswered questions and the fact we have a long way to go before we see all affected persons back in their homes? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we are now in a new year and inching closer to spring and potential spring flooding, and one can only imagine the anxiety of those Hay River residents affected by flooding last year.
Mr. Speaker, recently I have experienced an increase in the number of calls with respect to both remediation and mitigation questions. Considering that we expect the federal government to provide a majority of the financial support which comes with restrictions, it is important to ensure that the information received from the federal government is not distorted as it passes...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Some of the people who have been impacted by the flooding, they're seniors. There's some people who, you know, can't even read and write and they're expected to, you know, manage the remediation of their home. And like I said in my statement, some of them have come and asked me for support. I've done that. But I think that's you know, that's something that this government should be looking at and trying to provide that support however they can.
So, Mr. Speaker, will the Minister commit to reviewing the need for added funds to help those needing third party project...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the flood in Hay River last year not only damaged homes and businesses, it impacted the health of individuals and, more so, our seniors.
Mr. Speaker, I've heard of possible PTSD amongst first responders, volunteers, and flood victims. In some, we've seen an increase in substance abuse, stress, anxiety, family violence, family separations, and senior health issues as well. And that is why it's so important to get residents back in their home and to get it right and provide the support that they need.
So, Mr. Speaker, can the Minister of MACA tell me how many...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yeah, and we're counting on, you know, criminal legislation and it's tough to get convictions sometimes. It takes a long time. And, for instance, you know, I had one constituent who had people in the house under the Residential Tenancies Act trying to get rid of somebody because there was illegal activities there. Well, you got to prove that in court and if you don't, they just stay there.
So, Mr. Speaker, will the Minister commit his department to undertake a jurisdictional scan and review of civil forfeiture legislation and consider moving it forward in the NWT? Thank...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It sounds very complicated, and I'm not sure if we really accomplish much with it.
Mr. Speaker, can the Minister tell me with respect to the illicit drug trades, in the past year how many seizures of cash or assets were made by the RCMP, and how much of that was returned to those that it was seized from? And I realize I'm asking for statistics so I will allow the question to be taken on notice. Thank you.