Rocky Simpson
Statements in Debates
Minister Simpson.
Thank you. Mr. Edjericon.
Thank you. Minister Simpson.
Thank you. Minister Simpson.
Thank you. Are there any further questions on increased regional decisionmaking authority?
Seeing none, Committee, we will move to page 27, reduce the municipal funding gap. Questions? Mr. Johnson.
Minister Thompson.
Ms. Chinna.
Thank you. Are there any further questions on make strategic infrastructure investments that can connect communities, expand economy, or reduce the cost of living?
Seeing none, committee, we will move on to pages 38 to 39, increase economic diversification by supporting growth in nonextractive sectors and setting regional diversification targets. Questions?
Seeing none, committee, we'll move to pages 40 to 41, increase resource exploration and development. Questions?
Seeing none, committee, we'll move to pages 42 to 43, reduce the cost of power and increase the use of alternate and renewable...
Thank you. Premier.
I will call the committee back to order. Committee, we have agreed to consider Minister's Statement 20219(2) and Tabled Document 56719(2): Annual Status Report 20192023 Mandate of the Government of the Northwest Territories. Does the Premier wish to bring witnesses into the House?