Rylund Johnson
Statements in Debates
Hear ye, hear ye. Mr. Speaker, I am glad to announce that today is the grand opening of the Snowking's Winter Festival. I want to thank the entire Snowking crew, staff, and volunteers for all of the hard work they do to building such an amazing festival, 26 wonderful snow-filled years running, and this year, a pandemic can't stop them. However, things are going to look a little different this year, Mr. Speaker. Instead of a castle, it's more of a snow garden this year, filled with a series of adventures. Best of all, it is completely free this year, just remember to book a time slot before you...
Thank you, Madam Chair. Yes. I recognize that the fault probably does not lie with the corporate information management section and that departments, some of our records are in a mess, and it was a lot of work to bring all of the records into one place for the departments who got there. Can I just get a commitment from the Minister to try to do their best to put together a timeline? I believe there was a timeline at one point when DIIMS was first rolled out and that we failed to meet it a couple of times in a row now, so perhaps there is some hesitancy to actually put a date on this. If...
Thank you, Madam Chair. Do we have a timeline when we expect all departments to be on our digital integrated management system, our digital records system, a.k.a. DIIMS? Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you, Madam Chair. I heard the Minister talking about the fact that the Department of Infrastructure pays all of the GNWT's utilities, which I think is somewhere in the ballpark of $60 million a year we pay in utility costs. It's a lot. I know the department has a bit of a goal here in increasing energy efficiency. Every time we can do that, I think it's a win-win-win for everyone. I've asked the Minister questions on district heating before. I've asked her both as her role in Infrastructure and her role as the Power Corporation. Where should I ask those questions? Is this the department...
Thank you, Madam Chair. I think I made this comment during the supplementary appropriation. I recognize sometimes that getting money out of the feds can come with different contribution agreements that can be complicated. Let's make sure that we spend all of this $7.5 million and that the department is not coming back with a supplementary saying that they have not spent it again. I think this actually might be a bit of an asset management question, but it will lead into energy efficiency. Can I get an update of where we are with the new version of the GNWT Good Building Practices? Thank you...
Thank you, Madam Chair. I am looking at page 244, and the Low Carbon Economy Leadership Fund. I believe this is actually federal money that flows in, which I am happy to see. There are three subheadings, and I noticed there was an uptick in the revised main estimates. Can someone just refresh my memory as to what those were? Thank you, Madam Chair.
No further questions. I will celebrate the day we are all on one information management system and all of our ARCs and ORCs are sorted out. Thank you.
Thank you, Madam Chair. We spend two-and-a-half million dollars a year on corporate information management. Getting all of our departments on the same records is essential for the ATIPP implementation; it's essential for any sort of digital government work we have to do. I hear what the department is saying, is that there is a readiness aspect in that the first step is departments getting their records in order so that they can actually be brought into the GNWT's digital information system. What is the department doing to make sure that ECE, Health and Social Services, EIA, and I guess I will...
Thank you, Madam Chair. I will start with a comment in that I think Greenland has 16 of its communities on district heating, and I don't just mean some of their buildings. I mean their entire communities are on district heating systems, and they've seen cost savings of 30 percent. I repeat that almost $60 million a year we pay in utilities, and we know there's a proven method to reduce the utility costs. I cannot speak highly enough about biomass and district heating. I'm going to leave it as a comment, and sink one more in. Where are we at with the business case for Taltson? Thank you, Madam...
Thank you, Madam Chair. Yes. I really look forward to seeing that and having the department releasing it. I've made this comment before, though, that it's essential, I think, to a lot of the work that MACA is doing in looking at a potential building standards act. A lot of our municipalities actually lean on our good building practices for how they design their own buildings. This is the area where we have biomass energy funding, as well as a number of biomass projects. I know we've taken them on in different capacities, and it can be hard to kind of pinpoint how efficient they are. Do we have...