Rylund Johnson

Yellowknife North

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 59)

The Minister's answer gets to my next point directly. I believe we are presently where the Yukon was about 20 years ago, where they had one brewery, and now they have multiple in multiple communities. They have opened a distillery. There is an industry growing with people working, northern labour. There are jobs existing. I hope one day I can stand in this House and another MLA can ask questions about local manufacturing of wine, beer, and spirits in this territory. My question for the Minister is: is there work being done to assess the barriers for expanding the manufacturing in this...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 59)

Thank you, Madam Chair. I think perhaps, once the Minister has compiled some information, the appropriate committee could request a briefing on this. Also, what I'm looking to get from the Minister is, I know this was spoken to previously, but how the School of Community Government fits in with Aurora College. If Aurora College plans to teach Indigenous governments as one of its core courses, to me, it doesn't make sense to have the School of Community Government using the CIRNAC funding to have a competing course. Can the Minister speak to the plans of any changes or the role of the School of...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 59)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to join the MLA for Great Slave in acknowledging those working to further Black History Month, both here and across the globe. Mr. Speaker, our territory is home to hundreds of Black individuals living and contributing to our communities. If current trends are any indication that number will only continue to grow as Yellowknife continues to become a truly diverse capital city. In Canada, we often compare our history to our neighbours in the South, and we think we are not so bad. Anti-Black racism exists, and systemic racism in many forms continues to be...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 59)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Yes. Perhaps, since there isn't an annual report, a review is perhaps what I'm looking for. When I look at something like this, we did the Aurora College foundational review, and we looked at how many people take the courses. We got a figure out of that of the cost, what it is actually costing to run these courses per person. Do we have any figures of, in a fiscal year, how many people take courses in the School of Community Government? I'm just trying to get a sense of the scope of this. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 59)

Thank you, Madam Chair. I don't want to waste every single Member of the Legislative Assembly's time on this, but I've asked this repeatedly, and I've repeatedly been told that by April 1st, we'll have a solution. I am not hearing anything that leads me to believe that that is now true. What I'm actually looking for is the conversations that have had with the City of Yellowknife. Has the City of Yellowknife said, "Yes, we'll do this for $100,000," and we decided that was too high? Has the City of Yellowknife said, "No, there's a risk assessment," and there's no way we'll offer this? Have we...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 59)

Thank you, Madam Chair. As part of the work of reviewing the funding formula, are there any plans to factor in how federal government money works? To me, if the federal government decides to spend a bunch of money on giving communities infrastructure, that should affect the funding formula. Or if Yellowknife gets a bunch of money to build a new pool, that should probably adjust the funding formula. I get there is a bit of a debate of whether you adjust a needs-based formula on one-off projects, but is there any work intended to adjust the formula based on the role of the federal funding I see...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 59)

Thank you, Madam Chair. I'm going to quote again, the Minister's answer. "There was consultation that was just recently completed. I should be able to provide an update to the Member by the end of February." We're in the last week of February here, and I'm hearing that an engagement plan is just going to be started and then we will consult. Can I get the Minister to correct the record? Was there actually any consultation with residents of the Ingraham Trail? Thank you, Madam Chair.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 59)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Can I get a sense of how this affects the municipal funding formula? If there is essentially $18 million in our budget that is granted, that we are passing through from the federal government and then that expires in 2022, does that mean our funding formula will decrease by $18 million? Thank you, Madam Chair.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 59)

Thank you, Madam Chair. As is my favourite question: can I have an update from the Minister on the status of fire services for the Ingraham Trail? Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 58)

Thank you, Madam Chair. In our mandate, we commit to working with a number of independent facilitators to resolve outstanding issues. Can I just get a sense of how many tables have independent facilitators? Thank you, Madam Chair.