Rylund Johnson

Yellowknife North

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. It's going to be another long one today. Madam Speaker, Your Standing Committee on Government Operations is pleased to provide its Report on the Review of the 2022 Audit of Addictions Prevention and Recovery Services and commends it to the House.

On May 31, 2022, the Speaker tabled an audit report entitled Addictions Prevention and Recovery Services in the Northwest Territories. This performance audit was conducted by the Auditor General of Canada, who is also the Auditor General for the Northwest Territories.

The performance audit looked at whether the Department of...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. And can someone just tell me how the KFN reserve funding flows into this. I believe they are going through a different process and are expecting hopefully 100 percent money back through the federal government through Indigenous services. Can I just clarify whether this money also includes the KFN money. Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I guess so I may be mistaken, but it is my understanding is that it is already public how much each Indigenous government is currently getting of royalties under the devolution agreement. I believe that is already disclosed. But I should clarify that this committee report, regardless, is not asking the public accounts to break that down by Indigenous government and is not asking us to break down the number by what individual mining companies or oil and gas companies or quarry companies pay. That is a separate debate, and it's not our intention. The intention was simply...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. People love camping in the Northwest Territories, and I think we all know that. You can just look at the demand the minute the campsite bookings open for our 33 territorial parks, or you could look at the over 900 squatters we're trying to kick off the land right now, Madam Speaker. But what happens every year is that the season abruptly ends, and we have no winter camping anywhere in the Northwest Territories in our 33 beautiful parks that we all know and love, and I would like to see some sort of winter camping, Madam Speaker.

Now I'm not asking that we keep all our...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I believe somewhere that there was a $60 million special warrant for the flooding. Can I just clarify whether that figure is included in this $117 million. Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Mr. Chair, I move that this committee recommends that the Department of Finance provide a plan with timelines to enhance reporting on the Government of the Northwest Territories environmental liabilities dashboard by matching reporting practices in the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's federal contaminated sites inventory. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Yeah, thank you, Mr. Chair. In the NTHSSA well, we know their deficit is growing and in the NTHSSA's annual report they tell you some of the cost drivers but they don't necessarily quantify each one of them. We know, for example, overtime is the largest driver of the deficit but we don't know the exact figure. That's not publicly reported. And then we also don't know exactly how much is budgeted for overtime for different parts of the authority and then how much the actual costs are. So I think for each of those individual cost drivers, some better reporting is needed and perhaps some...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Yeah, okay. I think there was two or I can't remember, two or three years of retroactive pay. I see $5 million one year. So is it safe to assume that there's 10 or $15 million more coming to the RCMP? Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Thank you, Mr. Chair.

The Committee Report was read into the record Friday, October 28th, 2022. The Standing Committee on Government Operations has reviewed the report on the 20202021 Public Accounts.

On December 8th, 2021, the Minister of Finance tabled the 20202021 Public Accounts. The public accounts are financial statements that show the financial results of the Government of the Northwest Territories for a given year. Each year, the Standing Committee on Government Operations reviews the public accounts. These reviews assess the credibility of the government's financial position and...