Sandy Lee

Range Lake

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 40)

Mr. Speaker, there are services in our communities. I understand that the Member wants to have that service improved. We are working on a new initiative to support after care addiction worker programming. There are lots of proposals from the community and aboriginal governments in the Beaufort-Delta that we’re considering. I’m not saying wait forever. I have correspondence going to the Member within the next day or two that will state more clearly what it is that we’re doing for the Beaufort-Delta.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 40)

Mr. Speaker, the Health and Social Services department, as well as all the other departments, is right now having to operate at a certain growth level that’s a lot less than what they are used to. Health and Social Services over the years had been growing at about 10 per cent. We are trying to live within a 3 per cent growth rate.

Having said that, I do agree with the Member about the need to evaluate and enhance the services at the community level. We cannot rely on the authorities to do that, because they have strict budget measures. I have to review the entire program that we have in Health...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 39)

Mr. Speaker, I’m sure this government is willing to work with any partners who may want to address any number of issues, but I think by any standards this is probably a municipal issue. I know they’re having discussions going on about some of the issues that the Member is bringing up, and I would be happy to discuss it with the municipal government and any other parties to see what options are available.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 39)

As the Member is aware, the dementia building is being built. The consolidated clinic has gone to tender, and I believe the tender has been awarded. The administrative offices, with about 35 staff, are going to be moved out of Stanton into what’s now known as the old Extra Foods building as of December. There is other work being done to maximize the use of the building and to concentrate the renovation of the building on what’s most necessary and what has to be at that hospital, which is supposed to be an acute care facility.

We are looking at lots of other measures, and we are doing that in...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 39)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I appreciate the opportunity to update the Members on this capital project.

In May, when the new public administrator of Stanton was appointed, one of the tasks he was given by me was to look at the master development plan and report back to me on it. What I found out when he came to me is that they are working on a $200 million plan for Stanton. Obviously, that was not a workable plan. I sent him back to work, and he and the deputy minister and the planners went back to work.

They came back in September with something that’s more manageable at $50 million. It will...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 39)

In discussions with the insurance office in Inuvik and the officials I am advised that it has been in effect for a long time. Since the Member talked to me about it last week, I have asked them to talk to the pharmacists to make sure that it’s working well for them. But we have not heard any of the problems in that regard.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 39)

Mr. Speaker, I do appreciate and take the Member’s point that we can always do better to improve our services and efficiencies. One of the things that’s been conducted by the Strategic Initiative Committee on Refocusing Government is to look at how to combine the services of Housing, Health and Social Services, and ECE in the way it’s structured so that at the regional level our communities are able to work together to better serve their communities and the citizens that we serve. Obviously, there’s always room for better coordination, and we will continue to make that effort.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 39)

Mr. Speaker, whether there is a seniors’ secretariat or not, I think what the seniors are interested in knowing is that the government is responsive to some of the concerns that the seniors are bringing forward. The government has worked on and responded to the Seniors Action Plan along with the NWT Seniors’ Society.

Just last year we increased the seniors’ benefits, and it was indexed by communities, recognizing the differentials in the cost of living, especially in some of our smaller and remote communities. Income Security has increased the ceiling for the senior home fuel subsidy, where an...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 39)

Mr. Speaker, I would think that any reasonable mind would agree with that. It is debatable whether this is a Health and Social Services issue and a territorial issue. I understand the concern. I understand this has been an issue for the downtown merchants in the city of Yellowknife as well as something that the municipal government has been working on with community groups. So I will once again commit to the Member — and I do not need him to make a commitment on behalf of the mayor — that I will call the mayor, and I will talk to him about what plans there are and see what we can do.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 39)

Mr. Speaker, all of the projects that we work on with respect to homelessness or housing issues or municipal downtown issues we do in partnership with the municipal governments. I have great faith in the ability and capacity of the City of Yellowknife to address these issues. I’m aware of lots of community groups that are working on that, so I’m happy to work with them. But I do believe that this is an issue that should be spearheaded by the municipal government and the community groups, and I think the leadership should be left there. If there are any proposals that the government should look...